

  • I did my first round of level 2 last night! It was definitely time to move up - it was a much more challenging workout! It's such an accomplishment to know that a week and a half ago, I would never have been able to keep up. I got tired just watching the video! Now I can tell I'm stronger and less winded during the…
  • Thanks for all the positive words! I'm still trying to lose the baby weight from both my babies - my oldest will be 4 in November, youngest will be 2 in April. I can't wait to have my baby pooch gone and see some abs again! 911girl - you give me hope! Level 1 is definitely easier now than when I first started. Last night I…
  • Hope you don't mind, but I'd like to join in even though it is now mid-month. I've completed L1D5 and can tell a huge difference in my endurance. I can get through the cardio and the ab work without stopping and most of the strength - though I have to say several of the exercises really aggravate my knees. I just try to…
  • Thanks for the article! I'll keep it up and see how it goes!
  • Thanks for the article! I'll keep it up and see how it goes!