EmilyMcD84 Member


  • Going outside of my comfort zone and asking for friends on here. I won't judge anyone but will offer support to all. I am trying to tone up and lose my last 10 lbs of baby weight. Feel free to add!
  • I am 5'2" and currently weigh 115. When I tell people (which I try not to now) that I want to get back to my pre-baby weight of 105, they act like I am vain, stupid, or crazy. When I was in my 20's, I weighed 95-98. I don't see why 105 would be abnormal considering my body type. I would think if you've always been…
  • I am not sure if mederma works for stretch marks but it did help with some scars on my stomach. I had 2 red, raised scars from 2 different surgeries on my stomach. The mederma helped the redness go away and they are no longer raised. It took about a year of daily use, but saw results pretty quickly.
  • I don't watch anymore because my husband can't stand it! But I actually liked it. They do their thing, have a good time and though I don't always agree with the mothers way of doing things, her "it is what it is" attitude is something I wish I could adopt. It upsets me when people insult the children. They are CHILDREN!!!
  • FR sent. Congrats on your progress so far!
  • I am on week 1 of month 2. Feel free to add me!
  • I am not sure what you're asking. You would just log everything like normal. I have read on the forums here people saying that upping their calories actually helped them break their plateau. Google search "how to break weight loss plateau" you will get way more answers than you will get here! You can also search the MFP…
  • The 5-6 meals include breakfast, lunch and dinner. So just eat a snack between the 3 and that makes 5. If you have room for desert then go for it. That would make 6. Seems like you're doing a lot of cardio so try adding some weight training. I read your diary for the day, it looks ok to me. I have heard upping calories has…
  • Hey girl, Are you still doing the elliptical everyday? If so, try switching it up. I know you are doing it longer than when you started, but I would suggest some weight training as well. My Insanity (which I know you're not doing, but I think it has good advice for everyone) nutrition guide recommends you eat 5-6 times a…
  • Wow! You look amazing!!! Great job :)
  • I just had to quit cold turkey. I felt like I had the flu and was a walking zombie for a few days. Once I got past that and the headaches I was fine. The reason I chose to do it that way, was I couldn't wean myself off slowly. It was either I drank it all day or not at all. I realize my method isn't the best for everyone.…
  • What an inspirational story! You look great!!
  • As you probably know, calories burned will be different for everyone. Before I had a HRM I logged Insanity workouts as aerobics. When I purchased a HRM I realized it wasn't far off BUT some days I don't burn much at all. Such as yesterday I only burned 50 cals doing my first recovery wk workout. (I am 29, 5' 2", 102) I…
  • What a transformation! Your hard work definitely paid off!!
  • I can't drink milk or eat ice cream. They hurt my stomach. When I started doing Insanity and making healthier choices, I kept seeing unsweetened almond milk in all the nutrition guides and on healthy eating websites. Tried it, loved it! I just discovered Clemmys lactose free ice cream. It is fabulous!
  • I HATED depo! I gained 10 lbs and when I stopped getting the injections my body went crazy. Granted, I should've consulted my physician before stopping, but I was miserable and just quit. Suddenly I looked pregnant, my chest hurt so bad it hurt for the shower water to touch it, I was moody, gained what I am guessing was…
  • As someone that can't eat regular ice cream (and was totally bummed about it) I just discovered Clemmy's lactose free, sugar free, gluten free ice cream. I am in love!!
  • I read the other day that no matter how many mistakes you make or how slow your progress, you are still ahead of anyone that isn't trying. I admire you for the weight you've lost so far. It takes dedication and hard work. I know you are discouraged but don't give up. As far as feeling like no one will love you, love…
  • Mine is open, feel free to add me. I am not trying to lose weight, just maintain.
  • I know the type of cleaning you're talking about. I only do it once a week/every 2 weeks because it can get crazy. I don't feel like the mop did a good enough job so I get on my hands and knees and scrub the whole house. I scrub baseboards and bathtubs with toothbrushes. HECK yes that is a workout and I log that mess. I…
  • Great job! The first time I tried Insanity I only lasted a week. I wasn't going to change my diet, habits or stop drinking soda. Well, I learned you can't do Insanity with zero energy. I tried again once I changed my diet and put down soda for good. The energy I had was amazing and I was able to push through. Now I am on…
  • Next week is recovery week for me as well. I am doing much better than when I started. I couldn't do one push-up at the beginning, now I can do moving push-ups and push-up jacks! (Not many but I keep digging!) I am a little worried about my workouts the next few weeks because we are fixing to move. I am going to do my best…
  • I agree. Definitely log what you eat. You (and others if you keep an open diary) will be able to see what you are taking in and burning off.
  • I am 5'2 102. I weighed between 95-98 a few years ago. My doctors always said I was normal as long as I was eating. I ate anything and everything I wanted. I had trouble getting private insurance at that time because I didn't weigh enough. Once dr's said I was fine everything was cool. I see though that you had an eating…
  • You look great! I hate running lol but wish you the best!!
  • Don't go by the scale, go by your measurements. Don't do that everyday either, its like waiting for water to boil.
  • Before I got married, I had to live with my mom for a bit. The first night, I decided to make breakfast for supper (she rarely cooks). I salted everything from the salt shaker by her stove. I am not sure how old it was, or what happened to it, but it was like I had dumped sand on everything. Supper ruined. On another…
  • That is great! Way to go!