

  • I will absolutely not give up my Sweet Tea.My Sweet Tea is a replacement for soda. I don't drink soda at all now, went from 3-4 Dr. Peppers a day to none! So know I drink Sweet Tea..Have stopped going to Sonic everyday and getting it most days I have my own but there are days. I also have cut back on the sugar I put in my…
  • Hi Ladies; New herebut so far have lost 2lbs can't wait to get back in shape and eat right. My 3 beautiful children 16 12 8 and my husband are going to be quite frustrated with me very soon We're fixing to go to clean eating( any food that will last for years because of preservatives shouldn't be in our bodies) My husband…
  • Hi Ladies; New herebut so far have lost 2lbs can't wait to get back in shape and eat right. My 3 beautiful children 16 12 8 and my husband are going to be quite frustrated with me very soon We're fixing to go to clean eating( any food that will last for years because of preservatives shouldn't be in our bodies) My husband…