RyanKnight71 Member


  • Im just a knuckle dragging corectional officer, not sure what all those big fancy words are but i sure hope it comes off quickly. I do know that after a week and a half of getting back to clean eating i feel a heck of a lot better and not so bloated. Maybe ill take your route and do a smaller break every couple months. Ill…
  • Alright I am back. Took a holiday break and it cost me 20lbs. It was amazing how different I feel after taking a break and eating like crap. Felt HORRIBLE. But I am back at it and lost 6.3lbs my first week. Been doing a ton of cardio and even started a weight lifting routine with a buddy of mine. A week and a half back…
  • Down 0.9lbs this week. Not a great number but I'm really happy with it because I am officially in the 260s. Weighed in at 269.2 been 20 years since I weighed in under 270
  • Congrats on the baby man. Thats awesome
  • Down another 1.5 lbs. Gettin pretty close to the 260s
  • Haha. 2 years ago I went to company Halloween party as "Black Jesus" and won the costume contest, a 40 inch TV. This year I'm going as Mr. T. Got my overalls, red cutoff shirt and all the fake gold chains they had in the dollar store. Ive been shaving my head since HS and as of right now ive been growing it out for almost…
  • I was pretty bummed out last week when I weighed in. Gained 2.4 lbs, not sure why. I had a calorie deficit of over 10,000 but still managed to somehow gain. This week was quite a bit better, I had a slightly larger deficit for the week then last week and lost 1.9 lbs so I feel like I am back on track. One thing I told…
  • I am horrible at avoiding sodium. I am a self admitted hot sauce fanatic, I go through an incredible amout of hot sauce. You honestly wouldn't believe me if I told you how much I eat. Uhh, I guess if I have a stroke everyone will know why. Sorry man, I would be the last person to point you to some low sodium meals
  • Weekly update time. Really bustedy *kitten* this week walking. Went back and looked at my fitbit which tracks my miles and I walked 70.56 miles this week. Thats slightly over 10 miles a day, I cant belive I did that. I also started some running as well. I work at a prison as a correctional officer. The equivalent of a…
  • So I forgot to update last Saturday, I lost 2.2lbs last week and weighed in today and l lost another 1.3lbs. I did end up buying myself a fitbit flex this past week purely out of curiosity. It tracks your activity levels and calories burned as well as a bunch of other stuff. I was mainly just interested in finding out how…
  • 7 lbs is awesome. Great job man
  • I was looking over by spreadsheet I made of my weight loss and I lost 32.4 lbs in the first 7 weeks, 49 days. Its so crucial to have early success but I noticed that I started to feel like I was denying myself some foods which led me to crave them more and more. Then when I went on vacation to Vegas for a week I gained 8…
  • Do you use a fitbit as well? I was thinking about getting one or something similar
  • 6'2 36 year olds are known for being awesome. They did a study... probably
  • Thats awesome bro. Keep up the good work
  • Had my cheat day, feels good to get a "day off". Weighed in this morning and I lost 1.5lbs for the week. Very happy with that. Its a total of 76.5lbs ive lost. Clothes don't really fit well anymore and ive already had to take the drill and scissors to my belt. I'm trying to hold off as long as I can before buying new…
  • I get it. Its absolutely imperative to be able to have a few luxuries as long as they're not in excess. In the long run I dont think its possible to do this long term not allowing yourself some room from time to time. I got to be able to entertain and BBQ with friends. I'm a self proclaimed grill master, it's what I do. If…
  • I guess thats the difference then. I don't eat calories burned. Dont even log them anymore
  • When I started losing weight I was 359.8. Right now I'm 285.3. 44 lbs of that have been over the last 15 weeks. I feel at this point I've pretty much gotten my eating under control. I understand my goals, I understand how it isthat I'm going to get where I'm going. In a way I think a cheat day is my way of not feeling…
  • I remember that teetering right around 300. I never really felt comfortable thiking I was no longer under 300 until I hit right around 295. Im currently right around 285, now I cant wait till I get into the 270's cuz thats where I was in HS. Isn't it funny that HS weight is now a goal but while I was in HS I thought I was…
  • It's so hard to do the beer though, sooo expensive. I try to go with the liquor cuz I get more bang for the buck so to speak. If I do get beer it's usually because Ive had a few drinks and I just have to have a few
  • Not a great weight loss week this week, only lost 1.7. Not sure what the issue was, I worked out more then usual this week. After looking at my numbers I ate less then 6000 net calories after all the workouts. To make my day even better I got back on my stationary bike to knock off some more calories only to realize it…
  • When I hit the 200s I about freaked out I was so happy. Never going back there again. About the urges, I found that when I started I was super disciplined but a week or so later it was a lot more difficult. The longer you go without giving in the easier it will be. At least thats what happened with me. Its kind of strange…
  • I know you're not supposed to but I can't help but weigh myself constantly. I do my "official weigh in" on Saturdays since I work Sunday thru Tuesday and every other Wednesday. By the time I get to the end of my work week im up to 6 or 7 lbs over my Saturday weigh in number but then it comes back off rather quickly. I…
  • That sounds a like when I ralized that my cheap easy meal of 4 Ramens was over 1500 calories. Never gonna eat that again. How the hell can 1 Ramen be 380 calories. It would be different if I loved it but I don't. Looks like your Homemade Pizza might be stashed in the special occasion pile for a while
  • Lost another 3.1lbs this week, see ya later 290's I'm now at 289.2. That makes 39.9lbs in 10 weeks. Only 2.2lbs to go to in 4 weeks to meet my 14 week goal of 42lbs. Feeling awesome, just tried on some shirts in my closet that had never fit and now they do.
  • Sooo. Starting with the bad news, didn't log my food very well that last couple days we were in Tahoe. Saturday and Sunday dont think I logged anything at all. Had 2 nights where we went to the casinos and drank fairly heavily (tons of calories). But the good news is that I didnt completely blow it. I still maintained self…
  • If you're looking to add calories you could try adding almonds too. Its right around 160 calories an ounce and are super good for you and keep you filling full
  • It may be more about when and what kinds of calories you are eating as well. Im no dietician but I have been told its very important to eat at least 30g of protien in the morning so that your body starts burning fat instead of muscle. On days I work I usually eat a cup of low fat cottage cheese with either a yogurt or…
  • Actually had my first setback last week. Got sick (during 100+ weather) and was only able to work out once, I still ate well just no workouts. At one point in the week I was up over 9 pounds so I was pretty worried about my weigh in on saturday. Ended up only +1.1 so I wasnt too upset. But considering up to that point I…