sianquin Member


  • I love bodypump! but most I do is 10kgs, its far too many reps and far too little recover for anything heavy. Ask in your gym, they usually do one off consultations and it is in there interest that you have the correct form and don't injury yourself on they're premises.
  • Yeah it is usually worse on the 2nd day. It is completely normal even now a year in I still sometimes get a pickly heat type burning when doing classes like spin that really push me but it goes away within an hr now :) Keep at it.
  • Yep it will pass and soon you'll feel and look awesome. If its your very first class it could be sore for 3-4 days.
  • I had a plain cheese and tom pizza the other day. As its similar I googled a pizzahut pizza it was 250 cal a slice, I wish I'd checked before I ate 2slices in bed after my healthy dinner! I'm blaming my hubby, thankfully I went to the gym that day and had a few spare. I think a dressed pepperoni pizza is about 300 cal but…
  • Def abit of both, I do classes for my cardio (even ones aimed at weights are upbeat enough for me to class them as cardio) and i really only do weights in the gym. When i first started the gym I jumped straight in with a spin class which I was late for and missed the warm up! Not really realising how bad it was I just…
  • Armagh here :) add me if you want.
  • I'm 154lb right now. I also eat a 1300ish diet but I usually eat back all my exercise calories and try not to go under 1200calories. 700 is far too low you'll be starving. Keep tracking as its easy to drop below 1200cal in your not keeping track. Feel free to add me as a friend. I also recommend some weight trainings, I…
  • I have the odd Mcdonalds and track it aswell. I had a good look at the menu first and decided a chicken sandwich meal has less calories than some of there salads and deli's so i usually get that. I still class it as a cheat meal tho, wouldn't want to eat it everyday.
  • You actually already added me :) I'm 5ft4 138lb and 27yr old so not far off :) My goal weight is 126lb so not too far to go, they do say the last bits the hardest.
  • I eat 1300cal a day, I'm never hungry. I eat 6 times a day, my first 4 meals all have protein and carbs, then dinner has protein and veg/salad. before bed i have a cup of soup or some light babybel. I avoid bread 90% of the time but i have baked potatoes and brown rice atleast once a day, I have a protein shake as my…
  • I was ill last week, I spent 3 days in bed (so not only no exercise but pretty much no movement), had chinese, pizza, kebabs, pancakes and 2 big bars of swiss chocolate. I'm not beating myself up as it was a one off. We all do it but we didn't get fat overnight and a one off won't make us fat again either, you only live…
  • We do have some weights at home and a bench but i rarely use them. When we got them i started seeing a personal trainer as i felt i might hurt myself not knowing what i'm doing. I now relise i will never bush myself as far as he pushes me so i've kept going. I do weights with him and mostly cardio at the gym.
  • My new personal trainer gave me a similar plan, basicially a small amount of protein at every meal and limit your sugar and salt intake and eat 6 meals a day (some are barely meals), when i put the food into MFP for the first time ever i came under the macho's set by them so i am thinking it could work. Ofcourse then i…
  • I got loads of stuff from ebay for next to nothing, they only new stuff i got was undies, gym clothes and some cheapy jammies i would imagine i'll be in this size for quite awhile now as i only have 12lb to loss and i'm focusing on toning instead of weight loss now.
  • Someone did acually die in a spinning class in my gym!!! He was an older man and he had a heart attack. I was seriously unfit 6 months ago, i went to visit my sister walked up a huge hill shopping, got to the top and had to stop because i was having an ashma attack and was knacked, it was at that point i decided to lose…
  • I've watched a few youtube video's on it now (but they were mainly bodybuilders) they generly had protein shakes then 2 small meals and 2 small snacks so thats what i've done 3 normal meals 2 shakes and one greek yogurt. I have no idea if it will work but it can't hurt. I like the idea of boosting my metabolism as when i…
  • I'm meeting my calorie goal fine altho some days i do find i'm eating more at dinners because i still have several hundred left and i'm under 1200 after taking my exercise calories away. I've got plenty of energy and no medicial reason but i do plan to cut my cardio soon and do more strength training and this seems to be…
  • Could that not be said for most fruits? i'm a huge snacker but i recently started chewing chewing gum at times when i'm more likely to snack it keeps my mouth busy, goves me a nice taste and lets face it nothing tastes great when your mouths minty. I've only been doing it for 3 days but it's really working for me and def…
  • I found it dry so have added it in :) I'm bad i'm cooking mine with a packet of stirfry sauce but i was working and hubby was at the gym so atleast i'm cooking and not getting chinese :)
  • Mines honeydew i cut a whole one up and eat it straight from the fridge, it's so refreshing, I usually grab a banana first thing in the morning and before the gym tho.
  • I've been considering swapping to quinoa but i'm waiting til i use my BROWN rice up :) i acually prefer brown rice it seems less sticky somehow. I'm still confused you lot are mostly half and half! I just need to knwo which to enter into my dairy to get an acurate calorie count i'm gonna be eating teh same amount either…
  • I'm interested as to why you suggested avoiding bananas as they are most peoples go to fruit including mine. I think your main problem is you aren't getting much protein and the sweets you had arent very filling (I assume it was gummy/jelly sweets) I was a real sweetie addict before i started counting calories now i relise…
  • I wouldn't fast it's almost like your punishing yourself, just brush it off and carry on at normal with abit of exercise threw in for good measure.
  • Thats what i had been doing. Last week i was so excitd i'd lost 1 1/2 lb the day before i weigh in only to weigh the next day and have put 3lb, i was gutted so i really think i need to stick to weekly weigh in's but it's so tempting to jump on the scales.
  • You count out 21 special k cracker crisps like it says on the box then weigh them and put some back because the box lies!!! Full fat coke now makes your cringe yet 6 months ago you hated diet, now you hate all fizzy drinks full stop.
  • MY inlaws do slimming world, they think calorie counting and logging is stupid but really it's no different to syns. I think there is nothing wrong with calorie counting and it helps keep you on track, eventually you will relise what a portion of rice/pasta/meat looks like and not weigh it. I would also like to say you…
  • You prob need a second opinion to know which it is, borrow a friends scale or chemists usually have a machine that weights you and gives you your bmi ect.
  • I'm the same as you i've worked so hard this past month yet the scales are stuck :( however the strapless bra i bought 2 weeks ago for a wedding no longer stays up so i know i'm doing something right.
  • Theres a diet plan with insanity, would it not be best to try that instead of the 1200cal plus exercise calories as the meal plan is how many calories they recon you need to see results on the plan?