

  • The lowest calorie option is club soda with vodka. Other low cal options are light domestic beers and wine.
  • I also do outside sales. It's tough...my schedule is always changing and it's hard to plan. Staying under is a challenge for sure. Haven't been losing, but haven't been gaining. Not sure if this because I've been doing Jillian's 30 Day Shred (Day 29 today by the way!) and gaining muscle and the fat hasn't found it's way…
  • I use this entry for "walking, 3.0, mod pace, walking to and/or from bar." I think if I had a dog that I would walk it about as fast I as I do to get to the bar...or to get home for that matter --- it's still cold here!
  • I just started Level 2 today -- it was a dosey. I like it.
  • Cheers to that! I drink for personal fun and also I take people out for work and that entails some beverages as well. Since I joined this site last week I have been trying to minimize where I can and switch to vodka/club sodas where possible (basically a 2 for 1 compared to beers). My latest situation is the last couple…
  • Peel them, set on parchment paper or in a container and throw in the freezer over night. Get up and put them in the food processor with some milk (I use Almond but I'm sure any will do). This magically makes ice cream -- it's delicious. Mix with some Kashi Go Lean Crunch for breakfast or use it someother time for a snack.…
  • I am considering purchasing this. I've had some issues with work out DVD's in the past because of working out on carpet...I almost through out my back last year doing that Julianna Hough Ballroom dancing one. Anyway, are there any issues being on carpet with this workout DVD plan?