

  • One of the best I have read. WELL DONE!!!!!! CONGRATS :smile:
  • I started the 30DS July 8 - i have taken two days off so far. I didn't measure myself -(i do notice a difference though in my arms/back and abs) In two weeks I was down 4.2 lbs - (i only get on the scale every 2-4weeks). I am still on level 1 because I will not go to the next level til I master every one of the moves - the…
  • Oh the competition btw siblings :) Guaranteed we will get there Thanks to those who responded to this post! Xox
  • Take some tin foil (shiny side up) spray with Pam lay the salmon on it. Season with a little kosher salt ground pepper. Lay a bit of fresh dill on it -. Slice some lemon put that on top - wrap the foil over it. Grill on the bbq for about 20 minute. Or you can bake in oven at 350 for 20