So..... this is my story.....

I've been lurking the posts for months now, and thought I would tell my story....and thought it may motivate one person

I'm a widow (now in a relationship) and have the most beautiful child who is my life. Like most mom's we do everything for our children, but what I wasn't doing was looking after me....

Upon my arrival back home from a trip, something clicked... I had to become a priority in my life, I had to take time for me. If I did this I knew I would be even a better mom, and a better partner.

I had to get back in shape, so my daughter would have her mom for a long time to come.

So, I put on my yoga pants and went for a walk (damn near killed me) I took the car and clocked it - turned out to be 2 miles even. I started to walk every day sometimes twice a day and cut out the crap. (It started out taking me 45 minutes to walk - now in about 30-31) About three weeks ago I started the 30DS to go along with my walks, it's never easy, but it's a quick workout, and one that fits my schedule.

One day I was looking for the calorie content of something, and stumbled upon this site. I joined instantly. Since April 26 I am now down 36.2 lbs. I have a long way to go another 39.8 but I am doing it....I even got my brother on MFP and he's down 41. My biggest supporter and friend :)

Now I'm rambling - but what really wanted to say - is the success stories, the motivation i get from lurking these boards is second to none. The one who wrote I ate 3500 calories and it's ok - i cut it and carry it with me everyday. I don't beat myself up for a bad day - I just try to do better the next.

Like most, this isn't a diet it's a lifestyle, I fit what I want into my daily intake.

My wish to my daughter from the day she was born was to be the best she could be, to have self esteem, self confidence and self respect - if she has those things everything in her life will fall into place. So I end it with this To everyone out there who has posted words of encouragement I thank you, and wish you much success, much happiness..... and may you be the best you can be!


  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    You are a beautiful person and a wonderful mother. Your words are inspiring and encouraging. Congratulations on your successes and keep fighting for what is rightfully yours!
  • JessiesGirls520
    This is a beautiful story! Good luck on your journey! If you would like to be friends on here so we can motivate and support each other let me know! xoxo
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Wonderful job :flowerforyou: :smile:
  • vail1315
    vail1315 Posts: 1
    Great job by my younger sis! I am so proud of you. You have motivated me beyond words. As you know I am not much of a "post" guy but I simply wanted to tell everyone that the day I started my plan to get back in shape - May 13 of this year, you called me and told me about this incredible website. Ten weeks and 41 pounds gone and I cannot thank you enough. My Fitness Pal has made me accountable - to myself! It is my hope that working out everyday will become a lifestyle....except for the two day " Old Boys Rugby Golf weekend May 16/17, I haven't missed a day of working out - 69 days and counting! 23 pounds to goal weight and I cannot imagine missing a day of working out and marking down every calorie ....even on those " cheat days"! We won't post the results of who has to buy who dinner in December...but either way, everyone wins - our children, ourselves, and all those we love.

    Keep going, I want the free dinner!

  • Neilson32
    Neilson32 Posts: 5
    Oh the competition btw siblings :)
    Guaranteed we will get there
    Thanks to those who responded to this post!
