Shrinkmeslowly Member


  • Thank-you. I have been noticing that my protein seems to stay pretty low. I have a powder that I used to make a lot of shakes with, I'm not sure why I stopped. hahaha. Is white quinoa okay? I already have some of that. Do you know of any good recipes to make with it? maybe a cold salad of some kind, it's summer here and…
  • wow! thank -you for taking the time to look at my diary and give me input! I will be mindful of adding the bok choy and spinach into things for sure that shouldn't be to hard at all. I do take an iron supplement so im not super worried about getting it from food but I do want to eat more greens and veggies anyway :). I do…
  • thank so much everyone, I'll look into veggies with more iron and calcium. I do take a supplement but I just never bother to track it. not sure why. I feel really good. I don't really find that I miss the starch after noons, when I was on the paleo train many many years ago I ate that way. Every here and there I might…