

  • You look great! I hope I can make a change like that in my life.
  • I love them! I eat them on crackers veggies fruit whatever I think would be good with it. I have heard of people melting them with pasta to sub for alfredo sauce.
  • I wonder if I could do the same with red velvet cake mix minus the chocolate chips. I am really craving a cupcake.
  • Oh La La! Oh wait that is french... At least Handy Manny has a sexy accent!
  • Good luck! I have been at this for a week almost and have lost 3 pounds. Not much, but it is a good start huh? I am also trying to lose some baby weight that I have been carrying around for the last 15 months. lol!
  • I would hve to say start slow. One bite at each meal for a little while then when it isn't so bad bump it up to 2 or 3. Just like starting to exercise gradually work up to it and keep telling yourself you like them. Maybe trying focusing on the taste of them instead of the texture. I read an article reccently that the more…
  • Personally, I did not like almond milk. It was the plain flavor that I tried and I thought it tasted like Play-Doh (not that I have eaten Play-Doh recently). I didn't care for it at all, but I have heard if you buy the flavored kinds they are a little better tasting. My husband likes to use it on his cereal.
  • I think I usually find the laughing cow cheese wedges by the regular cheese. My store (Kroger) It is between the refridgerated juice and the shredded cheese.
  • I am only on day 2 of MFP, but I would say just keep eating what you are eating. The more used to it your body gets the better off you will be. If it doesn't get any better I would say check things out with your doctor. You might have an intolerance of something you are eating.