

  • Grand Rapids, MI - Anyone close enough to be exercise buddes?
  • I too have noticed a drop in calories burned while on my treadmill. I spend an hour a day on my treadmill and walk at least 3 miles (even managed to run about 10 of those minutes) - which burns about 300+ calories, however i noticed that when i raised the incline on the treadmill i burned more calories, even if I slow down…
  • I too have noticed a drop in calories burned while on my treadmill. I spend an hour a day on my treadmill and walk at least 3 miles (even managed to run about 10 of those minutes) - which burns about 300+ calories, however i noticed that when i raised the incline on the treadmill i burned more calories, even if I slow down…
  • I too have noticed a drop in calories burned while on my treadmill. I spend an hour a day on my treadmill and walk at least 3 miles (even managed to run about 10 of those minutes) - which burns about 300+ calories, however i noticed that when i raised the incline on the treadmill i burned more calories, even if I slow down…
  • Yay!!! I'm thrilled to know I am not alone! My name's Lori and today is the first day of my journey to a healthier me = ) I want to lose about 50 lbs (how did i let it get this far?) and could really use support along the way. I have a tedency to start strong and fizzle out in about the 3 - 4 week stretch. I'm excited to…
  • Wow!! I haven't worn a bikini in....hmmm well lets just say a while. You look like where I hope to be in 6 months! What an inspiration. I'll definitely take a before pic, not sure if it's safe to post - i might blind everyone...lol All I can say is if you believe in yourself and take it one step at a time, you'll do great!…