Question? Can anyone help

Ok so when I first started to work out on my treadmill I would do 30minutes or so a day and I would burn about 300+cals each time I would do between 2-4speed runnig and then walking and not much of an incline at all if any. I am still doing the same but now I can run for about 4minutes so I have gotten stronger and that is a good thing but now I am only burning about 150-200cal what happened?

My first idea was maybe I have not been grabbing the HRM as much as I should have been and yes I am now buying a HRM that has a chest strap but other than that I am so lost.

Any Ideas?


  • blueeyeddragon2115
    As you lose weight you burn less calories because your not carrying around as much weight while you walk. Therefore your calories burned goes down but thats okay because the stronger you get and more muscle you build, the more calories you burn while sitting around doing nothing. Keep going!
  • rlinson
    rlinson Posts: 62 Member
    Are you still losing weight? If you are, then don't worry about it. If not, then you need to figure out to burn more calories. My idea would be greater intensity (speed) or longer period of time or try a different exercise.
  • birgithooker
    I am assuming that as you get more fit, your body gets more accustomed to the exercize that you do and therefore your heart rate isn't as fast as it was the first time you got on the treadmill so you burn less calories. And blueeyeddragon2 has a point. If you are carrying around less weight, you burn less too. I have a ton of friends who train for marathons and 5Ks. (I need to follow their example more:)) Anyway, they say when they train for marathons, they don't even lose weight anymore. Their bodies are so used to the workouts. I am actually struggling with this right now because as I have increased my fitness, I too burn less cals on the treadmill and I on a good day can do the whole 40 minutes on the treadmill alternating between walking fast and running. I was just looking online to see if I am getting enough calories and based on what I have been seeing, I am changing my calorie intake because for me, I think my body has slipped into starvation mode. I have been on 1200 cal for 5months and I haven't lost weight since August, my first month here on myfitnesspal. So I am upping my calories to adjust for my change in lifestyle and I am going to see if that will kick my metabolism into gear. I don't know if it will work but my friend who has a personal trainer told me that it's likely that I am not eating enough. And my twin who has a trainer as well eats more calories than me and she's about the same weight. So I will see. I better not gain any! :wink:
  • SexyMrsCarty
    SexyMrsCarty Posts: 57 Member
    Yes I have lost a few lbs 6 in total but I didn't think that would have made a big change I guess it does.

    Thank you all
    And I can't wait to get my new HRM and keep an eye on my cals burned everyday
  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    300 calories for 30 minutes does not sound correct.
  • siobhannestor
    Birgit - upping the calories works, even though it sounds counter intuitive. At least it worked for me the last time I hit a plateau. BTW, your baby (can I assume it's yours) is soooooooo cute! :D
  • krg918
    krg918 Posts: 36
    Make sure you use at least 1% incline on the treadmill. I'm told that is like walking down the side walk. 0 is like running slightly down hill!!!
  • birgithooker
    Thank you Siobhan. It is my son. He's 14 months now. And I am glad to hear that upping the cals works. BTW, you are only the second person I know with the name Siobhan. I love that name! I looked at it when I was pregnant and considered it if we had a girl. I am a social worker and had a client with the name. It was the first time I had ever seen it and at first I didn't even know how to say it. Now I do. It's a gorgeous name!
  • Alexandra888
    Well as you lose weight, after a while it slows down so change up your routine. Try doing an incline and add weights while your walking (not running cuz it can damage to some muscles and strain your back) And try going for longer walks/ runs. And dont forget to add strength training. I suggest getting a body ball (works great for abs and thighs) and body bands to help tone your arms and legs. It also helps with stretching. Hope this helps.
  • ebudreau
    I don't know that I eat more calories... but I do know that when I started with my personal fitness coach I was so excited because I lost three pounds right away... unfortunately now I have gained seven more (which is when I started here thanks to my sis :) ). My pfc tells me that it is because now I am building muscle and until my body gets used to the carrying around the extra muscle I won't loose weight.
  • ldamron
    I too have noticed a drop in calories burned while on my treadmill. I spend an hour a day on my treadmill and walk at least 3 miles (even managed to run about 10 of those minutes) - which burns about 300+ calories, however i noticed that when i raised the incline on the treadmill i burned more calories, even if I slow down the speed.. (Which works out great for me, because i'd rather climb than run). I focus on my heart rate and check it periodically to make sure it's within my target range for weight loss.

    I found a guide from the American Heart Association which shows how calculate your "target heart rate" which is based on age, activity level and fitness goals. I like it because I can take my pulse while exercising and as long as I'm within range I know that I'm exercising at an appropriate level to lose weight.
  • ldamron
    I too have noticed a drop in calories burned while on my treadmill. I spend an hour a day on my treadmill and walk at least 3 miles (even managed to run about 10 of those minutes) - which burns about 300+ calories, however i noticed that when i raised the incline on the treadmill i burned more calories, even if I slow down the speed.. (Which works out great for me, because i'd rather climb than run). I focus on my heart rate and check it periodically to make sure it's within my target range for weight loss.

    I found a guide from the American Heart Association which shows how calculate your "target heart rate" which is based on age, activity level and fitness goals. I like it because I can take my pulse while exercising and as long as I'm within range I know that I'm exercising at an appropriate level to lose weight.
  • ldamron
    I too have noticed a drop in calories burned while on my treadmill. I spend an hour a day on my treadmill and walk at least 3 miles (even managed to run about 10 of those minutes) - which burns about 300+ calories, however i noticed that when i raised the incline on the treadmill i burned more calories, even if I slow down the speed.. (Which works out great for me, because i'd rather climb than run). I focus on my heart rate and check it periodically to make sure it's within my target range for weight loss.

    I found a guide from the American Heart Association which shows how calculate your "target heart rate" which is based on age, activity level and fitness goals. I like it because I can take my pulse while exercising and as long as I'm within range I know that I'm exercising at an appropriate level to lose weight.