pjs2780 Member


  • someone literally did a double take when they saw me today for the first time in a few months!
  • that dress is adorable.
  • My FT4 shows about 200 calories less than the cardio machines. I am short, and I think the machines assume an average height person. For me, the FT4 lines up with what MFP pre-calculates, and since both know my height/weight (machines never ask for height), I go with the lower numbers. Since doing that, my weight loss has…
  • I have had this happen too. I think people are afraid that changing what you eat means you are changing who you are or your relationship with them, so they try to make things the way they always were. I just suggest activities that aren't centered around food when those people want to make plans.
  • starting weight: 170 goal weight: 127-132 have been up and down in this range for the past 8 years -- have gotten to goal (or very close) 4 times and have ballooned right back up when faced with any sort of stressful life change. hoping to re-learn how to eat "normally" :frown: