bethanytapp Member


  • I am gluten & dairy free.... Some of my favorite snacks are: - almonds & 85% dark chocolate - fruit - veggies with hummous - coconut flour cake in a mug - lots of recipes on pinterest - popcorn - almond milk and PB2 'ice- cream' - avocado - tuna - boiled eggs I end up being about 40% carb, 30% fat and 30% protein. For…
  • I was only about 20 pounds overweight at the time and my gyno told me that I was single because I was fat. I switched docs immediately.
  • You lost 8 pounds in one week, so you can expect some fluctuations the next. It's also normal to gain 4-5 pounds during your period. Keep doing what you're doing, be patient and over time you'll see results. You didn't gain weight over night, so it won't come off over night. I had several 3-4 week times where I gain and…
  • I think a couple people have already said this, but distract yourself. I found when I was still loosing the best distraction is to go for a walk. If I thought I was still hungry after dinner I'd go for a walk for 30- 45 minutes. When I'd get back I was usually not hungry, but if I was I would have some exercise calories I…
  • When I first started out last year, one of the most encouraging things someone said to me was... "a mile is a mile no matter how long it takes." I also had a serious runner tell me that jogging is simply slower running and when you're going out for the sake of exercise you don't normally differentiate speed....I went for a…
  • I had the same problem for several months and was up 2-3 times a night having to walk around and massage my calves. I finally spoke to a friend who is a homeopathic doctor. He said that many people while loosing weight upset their mineral levels because of suddenly drinking more water and exercising more. He told me that…
  • I've lost all my weight at home...walking, jogging, biking and doing the '30 day shred' dvd. I was just thinking that I need more strengthening exercises, so I'm looking at buying weights of some sort.
  • Totally agree with those who suggest meal planning. I make a flexible plan at the beginning of the week and then buy what I need for those meals. For meal planning. Spend a couple of hours on pintrest and pin a bunch of healthy recipes that contain food you like. Don't buy a bunch of stuff you don't know or don't like just…
  • Congratulations. You look great! Just out of curiosity, where is your swimsuit from? It's adorable.
  • 8 ounces liquid (or about 250 ml liquid).
  • I love the list of what things weigh... I've basically lost an Irish setter!
  • I given everything to someone who is also on the journey and is still 1 size bigger than my too big clothes. It gives her 'new' clothes for part of her journey and gets them out of my house. She's already promised them to someone bigger than her when she gets down that far.
  • I would regularly stop at the gas station on the way home from work to buy a snack.... often this was either a can of pringles of can of mixed nuts. I prefered the nuts b/c they didn't have nutritional info and I could convince myself that nuts are good for me. I remember a couple of times figuring up the calories in the…
  • Well done! Keep up the good work!
  • I started running about 8 months ago and have been working on building speed and distance slowly. My first complete mile running was 13.10 minutes. My most recent 5k time was 33.20 and this week I ran my fastest mile at 10.24....but generally I'm around 11 - 11.30 minutes per mile for 3-4 miles. If I do longer distances…
  • Went for a jog/ walk on Sunday night. I beat my PR on the first mile by over 30 seconds with a 10.24..... had to walk 90% of the rest of the 6 miles because I was exhausted, but finished with an average pace of less than 14 minutes a mile.
  • I agree... what aren't you allergic to? There were lots of vegetables and fruits I thought of that aren't on your list, but maybe you just haven't been tested for them.
  • Could this be the one you were talking about? Looks like you have to join the site and its a pay membership
  • The one that compares your walk to distances around the world sounds cool. Wish you could remember the name,
  • I use mapmyfitness and set a distance goal or a speed goal depending on the day and then just listen to my music or whatever.
  • Yes. Lost 70 pounds just logging food and getting some exercise (45- 1 hour walk...or now I've started jogging). I log everything and eat back 1/2 of my exercise calories. 90% of the time I eat 'healthy' foods, but I was doing that before just too many of them. Portion control has been key and if I want a treat I make it…
  • I wouldn't rely just on a step counter b/c you're heart rate will be higher during the run portions therefore burning more calories. I would take the total distance (as measured by the treadmill) and based on your total time figure out an average speed and record that. You could record the whole thing as walking or running…
  • salad of mixed greens topped with tuna, chick peas and avocado all mixed together, an apple and some almonds
  • Well done! Keep up the good work! Keep setting small goals and celebrating them with before/ after pics and you'll get there in no time.
  • After going gluten free (for medical reasons) I gained 50 pounds and then lost 68 a few years later. Like many others have said, just going gluten free you'll be tempted by all of the processed stuff with the 'gluten free' labels and likely end up eating a lot more. Just concentrate on eating all things in moderation and…
  • I use a footstep app on my phone and count steps all day long...but only count anything over 8000 steps as exercise. I think a normal day for me (without intentional exercise) is only 4500-6000, but I figure this gives some leeway for logging mistakes. This has worked for me and is how I've lots all my weight.
  • I went completely gluten free about 5 years ago for 18 months or so...not b/c of intolerance but because of endometriosis and it was suggested to help with the symptoms. I'm now 99% gluten free and can feel the effects when I do eat something I shouldn't which keeps me off it again for a couple of months. (1) My biggest…
  • Weight loss happens when you burn more than you put in. But, having said that it's also a bit of trial and error to find the number that works best for you. My guess is that you should have your settings at sedentary. Wear a pedometer for a normal day and see how many steps you take (without exercise). If it's less than…