

  • I love that you are looking for the lesson! We talk about teachable moments with kids all the time, but till we are dead, we never stop being learners. Your advice to yourself, gleaned from your depression experience, was a good reminder to me about the effort it really takes to form new habits...new ways of life. Thanks!…
  • if you want maximum cals for minimum time...try TurboJam - I LOOOVEE it! The 20 min. workout makes me sweat like a pig, but it is so fun. Their ads say you can burn 1,000 an hour doing it. Seems possible to me!
  • I love the idea of working with just my own body weight - not worrying whether or not I have the right equip., etc. Thanks sleepytexan - esp. for adding the pics to clarify the move - I'll be trying this tomorrow!! Happy maintenance to you :)
  • trading one addiction for another is still living in slavery to something :(
  • Wish I could say it all scientifically correct...but basically because it is chemical based, your body doesn't really know what to do with it. I know "Dr. Oz" has said things that I have found to be true - that it sets you off on major cravings - particularly sugar and carb cravings. So you are saving the calories with the…
  • Sounds like you have gotten lots of good advice, from people who are on this same journey to being healthy and fit. I will just add my personal experience as well, to encourage you on your personal journey I started watching my calorie intake and striving to add healthier options to my menu (I NEVER use fat-free and rarely…
  • It really is that beautifully simple...Beware quick weight loss "options" - that weight generally comes right back and brings some friends along for the ride (i.e. - extra pounds). I recommend walking too!
  • I think you hit on the key...not to let that tummy lay empty - no need for growling tummies in weight loss land!! The hard part, at first, is finding things you enjoy eating (or learning to enjoy what you are choosing to eat - it really DOES happen!) that are not loaded with empty calories. I started with fruit - -making…
  • Welcome to the journey! I am NOT British, but did live in Northampton for a year back in the early 90's (they say its "everywhere pretty, but nowhere beautiful"). I noticed you said "I'm Hungry" and I just wanted to encourage you not to stay that way...if you don't eat enough you will set yourself up to gain, rather than…
  • I just joined too and am having those same questions about the extra calories. I wonder if just drinking them would be okay (not in an unhealthy way...but fruit or veggie juice or milk)?? My first thought would be that your body will tell you when it is hungry and full, but I know that I have messed those signals up for so…
  • Nice to "meet" you - looks like we are close in age, so might experience some of the same things. My lovely daughter is a big part of what is helping me do this, too. She is so young and when she looks to me, I want to lead the way for her, not discourage her. She started worrying about her weight when she was 4...and I…