

  • I just can't understand that the poster is burning more than she takes in yet under eating can interfere with her goal. Goodness that's a lot of exercise !
  • Hello These posts are great teaching g tools. What does it mean to. It eat enough? I thought calories In and calories out =weight loss I honestly after 3 weeks figured out how to eat 1290 calories it was very hard to do. To figure out what menu = that many calories. Because MVP kept recording at least 400 calories under my…
  • Hi I am new and totally clueless about weightlloss. Hope to make friends and find support. I am currently reading losing to live bod4god so far I'm on chapter 1 and have learned that I have not Lost because I under eat and under nourish and to drink water water water I am looking forward to starting tomorrow with this app…
  • Today is day 1 of my fitness plan, so take my opinions with a grain of salt. But I have been researching HIT I plan on ordering it for $27 I didn't want to get into a costly system that was beyond my ability but I read that it 20 min of high intensity weight training essentially you push your muscles until they fail and…