Good for you! You are totally right though about not being a number and start living life like it's meant to be health! Peace and good luck xx
I love oil-popped popcorn with salt. I know it's not too healthy but I loooove it every now and then :) Rest of the time I treat myself with delicious fruits (oranges, plums, bananas)
The other day when my best friend was over and we were getting ready to go out to a bar, she told me to try on a few outfits to see how they looked because I didn't think I had anything dressy to wear. As I was trying on my 4th shirt and looking at myself in the mirror, I was getting so upset and emotional and eventually…
I just recently decided to change my ways and become vegan, but I have yet to read the China Study. That's a must-read on my list now. I really want to see for myself what it's all about.
Montrealer here! :)
Giant oranges and bananas!!!
Most people noticed after 15-17 pounds for me. That nearly put me in the health category. But some people didn't even notice. It really doesn't matter though, just keep being your own cheerleader and remember that you're not doing this for anyone but yourself. Keep up the excellent work, gurl :)
Best board topic ever! You are awesome! XD I have a lot of snow too, take some of mine! :P
Montrealers add me! :D
Hershey's Cookies n Cream
I take green tea/apple cider vinegar complex capsules. They may be a placebo, like many other pills, and it's hard to pinpoint exactly how and if it actually does anything because there are too many other factors involved, but I like them because they make me feel like I'm doing something to help ^_^
Lol you should break out into song and dance and see what happens. "What's thiiiiiis feeeeeling I'm feeeeeeling?"
Bell peppers, any nuts, fish, whole wheat bread, onions, avocados, and plain yoghurt
100-calorie popcorn bags are my savior these days ^_^ So yummy and you get actually a good amount, too If not, like others said, slices fruit with either greek yoghurt or cottage cheese, and add a sprinkle of nutmeg or cinnamon
bump for later
Goat's cheese Lentils Salmon Rapini Eggs Dark Chocolate Olive Oil
In order of importance: Headphones, Phone (for music), Water bottle, HRM That's about all I need. It sucks hardcore if I forget my headphones cause music is the thing that motivates me the most in the whole world! Even at home.
Zevia. Zevia. Zevia. It's naturally-sweetened soda. Helps me more than ever.
Yeah I have the same Polar HRM and I track the calories it displays instead of the machines. I find some machines like the elliptical, crosstrainer and bikes are significantly different than what the HRM shows and mostly display more calories burned than my HRM, while others like the treadmill, stairmaster and rowing…
hey girl I stumbled across your post and I really feel you. Because I just looked at myself in the mirror today and was shocked and what I did was beginning to set in. Let me tell you my story briefly. I had lost 17 pounds since May. I was so happy, I was finally doing this, I was on track and going to reach my goals. And…
Hey, I'm really similar to you. I'm 5'2 3/4", 22 years old female with 30-35 pounds to lose. Been struggling with motivation. I lost 17 pounds but gained at least 10 back and recently trying to get back on track.
- You're welcome.
That's terrible about what your wife said, I'm so sorry you have had to go through that. People you love and that supposedly love you should always be a supportive shoulder and care about your goals. I can feel upset at this because some people who I expected to give me more support in my life do not, and it saddens me.…
Cookie Dough Ice Cream Reese's Minis/Pieces
I feel ya so hard! I so understand what you're going through, as I myself am in one of those downfalls. But I know everytime this happens I will just get right back up and pursue this commitment to myself. And I know you can too. I always thought that I fell harder off the wagon than everybody else trying to lose weight,…
I agree with what was posted above; everyone should always make time for exercise and eating healthy, it really doesn't have to take up half your day, it's just maybe 1- 1 1/2 hrs every day or every other day (depending on how far you are from a gym, how much you work out..etc) and following common sense about what to eat.…
thanks man
Social worker.
In! I really need this now more than ever. I had lost 17 pounds since May and gained 5 back due to eating crap and binge eating when I wasnt even hungry, so now I need to lose those 5 pounds and continue from where I was.
its such a difficult thing to deal with isnt it? I have the same thing.