Thanks for the advise, I too think ignoring the Grade is the way forward but I was worried I was depriving my body of the caloried I would NEED!!
I think you are right and I always try to stay under the calorie guide, but I find it really difficult when I am stuggling up a hill and need a boost, I always reach for the flapjack, nuts or a chewy bar!!
If only changing you shampoo was the answer....made me smile thou :)
Well done you :)
The same thing has happened to me!!!! I lost 3lbs in my 1st week and was really motivated so in the following week exercised more to try to boost my weight loss, but I too gained a pound. Everyone is telling me this is normal and I do feel better. Lets hope everyone is right and we have some weight loss in the following…
Hello I too have finally decide to do something aboutmy weight too and have my partners support. We will do it Good Luck!!