

  • Well 15 days in and no problems in fact I'm enjoying myself, had a few vodkas at week end but I've lost almost half a stone (61/4 lbs) and am very happy. :wink:
  • Maths not my strong point 3st is 42lbs whoops! :wink:
  • Well so far so good, I started at 13st. 7lb and am now 13st 31/4 lbs not bad for three days. Day four today and as my fist goal is to lose the odd 7lbs in two weeks I'm well on track. I need to lose around 3st which is 38lb but would like to lose enough to be well within the healthy weight norm for my height which is (I…
  • Well day 2 of induction and I started at 13st. 7lb and am now 13st 51/2 lbs have only started my diary today. Please wish me luck I'm off to America in August and I want to get into my nice summer clothes.
  • Why am I back after 5 years, because I'm human and thought that I could go it alone well it didn't work so I have a choice, get a whole new wardrobe or get back into my size 12/ 10 clothes which are much nicer than my size 16 clothes and as I was working when I bought the smaller sizes they're a lot better quality.
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