Atkins anyone?

Try as I may it would seem that Atkins is the only diet that works for me so I started the plan again today (after 5 years +). Anybody else just started?


  • Yes, I restarted last Sunday. I have to wait to get my real starting weight until i can get out to get a scale.
  • BadKittie05
    BadKittie05 Posts: 157 Member
    No, I like food too much. :smile:
  • hwinnm
    hwinnm Posts: 6
    I'm a recovering junk food junkie, fast food freak and sweet tooth fairy. Atkins is the only plan that is strict enough to break the habit for me.

    Today is my day 8 and I was down 4.5 lbs then TOM arrived, just down 2lbs for the week. I think there will be a big drop once TOM is over. I had none, nada, not even one bite of sugar ie candy for Easter and I'm so proud.

    I'm planning to stick to Induction till I lose at least 40lbs, then go through the other phases to get the total goal of 57 lbs lost.

    Let's do this!
  • darrcn5
    darrcn5 Posts: 495 Member
    Hi! I restarted the plan today as well ( a lose version, I kind of combine it with carb cycling as well). It helps with my cravings SO, SO much. I had a great deal of success with the plan when losing weight after my first son. If you go to the "group" option, there are a few low carb groups if you are looking for extra support and recipe ideas.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    There's an Atkins group and a keto group in the groups section. Do a search in GROUPS at the top of your screen.
  • George_Baileys_Ghost
    George_Baileys_Ghost Posts: 1,524 Member
    I'm all for any diet that lets me eat pork rinds and beef jerky all day long.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Try as I may it would seem that Atkins is the only diet that works for me so I started the plan again today (after 5 years +). Anybody else just started?

    I'm going to observe that if Atkins worked so well five years ago, why are you here? I plan only can be said to work if it is sustainable for the long haul.
  • Yes! I started it last week. Mrs. Flow is here to visit for the week, could this be why I haven't seen a decent drop? I'd like to lose a total of 30lbs with this diet. I'm also in need of some good meal plans! Suggestions anyone?
  • Kath164
    Kath164 Posts: 6
    Why am I back after 5 years, because I'm human and thought that I could go it alone well it didn't work so I have a choice, get a whole new wardrobe or get back into my size 12/ 10 clothes which are much nicer than my size 16 clothes and as I was working when I bought the smaller sizes they're a lot better quality.
  • I'm starting today and would love to give/receive support on this journey! Feel free to add me!
  • timwhoa
    timwhoa Posts: 325 Member
    I do atkins also , and low carb or keto diets, all close to the same, we have an atkins group here
    hope to see you there, ad me as a friend if you wish
  • MaxDPeterson
    MaxDPeterson Posts: 12 Member
    I'm a recovering junk food junkie, fast food freak and sweet tooth fairy. Atkins is the only plan that is strict enough to break the habit for me.

    Today is my day 8 and I was down 4.5 lbs then TOM arrived, just down 2lbs for the week. I think there will be a big drop once TOM is over. I had none, nada, not even one bite of sugar ie candy for Easter and I'm so proud.

    I'm planning to stick to Induction till I lose at least 40lbs, then go through the other phases to get the total goal of 57 lbs lost.

    Let's do this!

    Good for you. Keep it up. I've been doing Atkins for a little over 2 months and lost over 40 lbs and I also haven't left induction yet. I would recommend trying out the Atkins support group as well. It's been helpful to me to see so many other people involved in the diet.
  • Riffraft1960
    Riffraft1960 Posts: 1,984 Member
    I had my best success, in terms of losing weight, using the South Beach diet, but I couldn't (didn't) sustain it. That was, at least 8 years ago. Put all the weight back on plus some since. I decided the only way I can sustain is to just count calories until I get down to the weight (fitness level) I want and then count calories to make sure that I don't put the weight back on. I loved the fact that the weight came off much quicker with low carb, it made it seem much easier.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    I did Atkins when I was 16. Lost 40 lbs in 4 months. Low carb works...but I couldn't work out because I had no energy and, by the end of it, I was beginning to hate food. I'll never do it again.
  • Kath164
    Kath164 Posts: 6
    Well so far so good, I started at 13st. 7lb and am now 13st 31/4 lbs not bad for three days. Day four today and as my fist goal is to lose the odd 7lbs in two weeks I'm well on track. I need to lose around 3st which is 38lb but would like to lose enough to be well within the healthy weight norm for my height which is (I believe) between 8st 7lb and 10st (ish). I know what you mean about "going off" food on this diet but that can only be a good thing as far as I'm concerned. I want to "eat to live" not "live to eat" and I know the my triggers are, bread, cakes and chocolate.
  • Kath164
    Kath164 Posts: 6
    Maths not my strong point 3st is 42lbs whoops!
  • Alitzja
    Alitzja Posts: 3 Member
    I did Atkins about 10 years ago. Lost almost 30 lbs in the first three months, and then hit a major plateau, I couldn't get off of. Kept the weight off for two tears, until summer 2006 (the Second Libanon War) when my nerves gave out.

    After that, I regained everything, and then some!

    When I tried Atkins again later on, it hardly worked, at all. So, be prepared for really slow going.
  • Kath164
    Kath164 Posts: 6
    Well 15 days in and no problems in fact I'm enjoying myself, had a few vodkas at week end but I've lost almost half a stone (61/4 lbs) and am very happy. :wink:
  • surfinbird_1981
    surfinbird_1981 Posts: 946 Member
    I love fruit too much
  • BrittBrown09
    BrittBrown09 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm not following the full diet plan, but I am starting to use the shakes for breakfast and occasionally lunch.