Hey everyone, I'm Amelia. I'm 21 and I'm a vegan who is training to be a fitness instructor. I'm working towards a fitness instructor's body as I'm currently on medication that makes me put on weight - not fun. Looking forward to this challenge.
Use this to work out calories - just input the heart rate that the monitor gives you
I'm not doing this months but I did it last month and it was fantastic
I'm in
Whilst some vegans are like that, they aren't all. I'm a vegan and the rest of my family and friends are complete carnivores and it doesn't bother me at all. Everyone is going to have a strong opinion about one thing or another. But honestly if people are only going to choose to be friends with people that have the exact…
I'm a vegan :)
Coconut milk and banana smoothie
Donuts yuck Coconut water
They are all signs of not getting enough calories - fine hair on body, hair falling out, light headedness etc Even if you are full gradually bring your intake up till you are eating about 1,000 calories (or more) each day.