cjwest312 Member


  • My Food Rules at the Office are Borderline OCD and Militant 1. I never ever partake in community food, which I know is weird and I get **** for it. This includes birthday cake, potlucks, holiday goodies, etc. I just don't participate at all, not ever. It's bad for networking, but I just don't care. I don't actually work…
  • For me - I) I try to weigh myself at the same time every day. This is when I get up, first thing in the morning and before I drink or eat anything. 2) More important: I don't compare yesterday's number to today's. My weight fluctuates so much that the little changes can be frustrating. Instead I keep a spreadsheet where I…
  • I'm 38. Can I play too? Most of my friends on MYP are awesome but in their 20s. I'd really benefit from some more friends in my age group. It was SO SO much easier to lose weight when I was younger. Everyone always told me that this gets more difficult. I just didn't understand until now. I'm only trying to lose about 15…
  • I will log everything, but there isn't a limit. I plan to go on a super long run to minimize the damage :o)
  • I actually find it super fun. I grew up in NY so our AZ rain rarely impresses me. However, I still find it fun to splash around, and it makes you look pretty hard core to be out there when everyone else is choosing to stay indoors and remain lazy.
  • Read during October: The Kitchen House by Kathleen Grissom The Willpower Instinct by Kelly McGonigal Into the Wild by Krakauer (re-read) The Long Run by Mishka Shubaly Just Finished: What I Talk about When I Talk about Running by Hurki Murakami (this was SO good) :smile: Reading Right Now: Desert Solitaire by Edward Abbey…
  • I am also consistently guilty of desk eating. It's weird but eating noises kinda bother me. I used to sit next to a guy who was constantly crunching LOUD on carrots and apples. I love carrots and apples, and really anything crunchy, but due to sitting so close to a loud eater for years it has made me self conscious of…
  • Yay! I have an M.A. in applied linguistics. I am not currently using it. I work in Global Research for commercial real estate. We should be friends regardless. :o)
  • Yay!! Let's be Friends! :o) I just joined (was previously on LoseIt). I try to eat as well as possible - loads of fresh veg, but I am not super strict with myself all the time. Saturdays are "bagel day" which I can earn after a long run.