blackstar420 Member


  • Southport here.... occasionally workout at planet fitness in greenwood...
  • No need to break them in... Just run in them... if they don't hurt your feet or cause issue... run farther and consider them broken in...
  • adjustables are the way to go.... chances are they'll come w/ a nice stand too which would be better than having 5 pairs of dumbells laying around.... they're expensive but worth it if you're going to use them...
  • Everything you need is there... excercises, nutrition, supplementation (if you want to).... great program....
  • Have no fear of the free weights... Check out The program will give you listed exercises to do along with videos on how to perform the excerise properly. By the end of 12 weeks you'll be walking around the free weight area like you own the place...
  • my recommendation is check out They have an insane database of exercises, exercise plans, etc... That's my go to spot for exercise info & motivation.