lacecorsetdolly Member


  • You won't injure yourself, unless you have a leave and then your pride is injured. I usually get cramps prior to my period and I tend to take a rest day on the first, purely for heavy flow purposes.
  • I had a few donuts on set last week and I spiked my sugar level so high I thought I was gonna pass out. I'll stick with a handful of strawberries and pictures of food porn today.
  • I do 2 days of high intensity cardio for 45 minutes on the elliptical. Its super hard for me to get motivated too, I'm a couch potato. But I bring my smartphone and watch some TV which is what I'd rather be doing than working out. I keep the incline high, and I vary the resistance in 3 to 4 minute intervals (starting at…
  • I do dumbell squats, because I have the same douche-y people at my gym who take up the machines for HOURS. It's a little unstable if you're going for large weights, but I do it with 50lbs (25 in each hand). Just make sure you have enough room around you in the event you drop one. has great examples of…