

  • One of ur reasons sounds like mine and i was told by my brother that's ok! Getting people to shut and just stare when u have worked so hard to improve yourself is one of the ultimate compliments!
  • Well we can both motivate each other. i actually good at motivating people its myself i have the trouble of keeping going lol
  • Haddock or Cod it has no fishy smell or taste and I use homemade cocktail sauce with it to get me use to the taste. ( Ketchup and horseradish to the desired flavor) I absolutely love it and i buy it breaded and then bake it in the oven. Schwan's has a good one that I love and even my kids will eat it sometimes.
  • Im all for joining I started yesterday evening and plan to do it for the full 30 days. Why not? The season is over here for me ( I work as a waitress in Florida and the snowbirds are gone so that means I wont be picking up extra shifts :) ) I have way to much time on my hands now and need to fill the evenings. Teenagers do…
  • i just stated as well yesterday. I can feel it in my chest thighs and arms. i love it and im going to continue it to finish then do 30ds extreme.
  • This Chris sounds like my ex. a very controlling man who thought i was stopping to have sex with someone if i was even 2 min late getting home from work. GET OUT! On the other hand my husband of 12 years now who is a very wonderful and has no control issues at all and trusts me completely and never worries about who I am…
  • 34... with teenage girls ... Good Lord how did that happen LOL
  • So happy for u! Congrats! I have a pair of jeans and a sundress i am currently working on to just get into lol. Trfy going to Platos closet or some other store like that to slowly replace ur clothes. it gets expensive i know from when i had to buy bigger clothes that would just fit me. Now i cant wait to either donate or…
  • I have trouble with my knees due to being a career waitress and being on my feet all the time. i started Jillian 30ds and have noticed that with a few modifications i can do her workout with little to no problems on the knees. you can get the video on youtube and start with level 1. hope this helps Good luck!
  • I'm going for the bikini body as well! We are going on vacation to Ohio at the end of June and I am determined to look great. We are going to see family and friends as we just moved to Florida last year. I'm starting out with the Jillian Michael's 30 day shred. I started yesterday and I feel it today. My goal for getting…
  • This is my third attempt as well. I found MFP last year while I still lived in Ohio. My hubby went to Florida first for the job he found and during the 2 months he was gone I worked out and ate correctly and lost 20lbs Then the huge move to Florida and finding work and getting the kids settled and I fell off the scale.…
  • 34 year old mom with 15 and 14 year old daughters and proud wife of one wonderful supportive man. Trying to lose 30 lbs and get fit. Feel free to add me and we can support each other cause I really need the help :)