

  • hookilau that's awesome, its amazing the energy and good feeling you get once you start adapting, I read a really good quote somewhere that said something like "you'll notice results in the mirror way faster than you will on the scale, in ketosis"
  • That's awesome congrats! yeah I messed around with high carb diets for way too long and just never felt full or anything and overate to compensate for that which slowed killed my progress. Seriously there are some really good recipes out there that you wouldn't think of in any other situation but on a keto diet, it really…
  • trust me I've tried that haha I also never feel full or satisfied when doing that either and I really have no self control when it comes to eating certain foods I like in moderation. Keto has really helped me with this issue I've had plus I've really learned to enjoy eating the foods I eat now, you never appreciate bacon…
  • I've done cheat days and they really kill my progress mostly because I get addictive like cravings for foods once I being my 'cheat' and end up eating way too much so I've decided that I have to go cold turkey but I will say not everyone is the same and that cheat meals can be a really good way to motivate you to stick to…
  • You made the right choice by wanting to get into shape and lose weight! definitely don't sweat going to a gym they're overrated and really only for specialized goals but just losing weight the most important thing is diet. The positive part about being overweight is that if you stick to a good diet, the weight will melt…
  • damn haha free food 24/7 I would want to jump off that ship, so tempting thanks for the advice! I'm definitely reaching out to my friends more now and my vacation is a camping trip so I'm hoping to compensate a little over eating with some good hiking, swimming and mountain biking.
  • Try eating foods higher in protein and fats, yes fats they've gotten an undeserved bad reputation in years past but fats and proteins can be much more satiating than any carb you can put into your body, I usually start out at breakfast with a coffee with butter and heavy whipping cream and drink plenty of water, that can…
  • Some people's genetics make it harder for them to lose weight/lose weight slower than other people or even gain weight easier, everyone's different. That being said there's measures you can take to help boost your metabolism & speed weight loss. You might try exercising a couple times a week, walking on a treadmill, hiking…
  • This guy^ couldn't have said it better myself, there's been multiple studies done on starvation mode and it largely affects people who are already at very low bodyfat percentages like less than 6%, and in order to get to starvation mode while just on a restricted diet you'd have to be below 6 percent body fat and do…