

  • I am starting insanity today. I joined the MFP community last week and have found all the support and motivation to be very encouraging. Hopefully I can keep up :D
  • Ok, so I have decided to go with this peanut butter idea starting Wednesday. Here is what my daily diet would look like... 2 hard boiled eggs (white only) 3 cups of fat free milk 2 bananas 3 fuji apples 6 tbsp of Jif Peanut Butter 1 oneaday multivitamin The macro nutrition's of this diet are 56% carbs(143g), 21%…
  • I have been hitting the gym for 1 to 3 hours everyday since the beginning of the year. I am confident that I can continue my newfound exercising habits for the long term. I was just curious about a potential "peanut butter diet". As for those of you saying I need a balanced diet, here is my potential diet for the day with…
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