

  • Soy milk :laugh:
  • :flowerforyou: You can do this!! Feel free to add me as a friend for support...!! And I agree with kimmerroze...different recipes and ways of working out :)
  • That sounds like it would be really good baked over chicken breast, with a little bit of shredded cheese melted on top; or in a homemade chili con carne...
  • Welcome! I have found a lot of great advice, and seen a lot of success stories, so we can do it!! Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like, for extra support! Debbie
  • I agree with ajweekley... I was diagnosed with mono a couple of years ago, and I worked at a gym at the time, and was SO TIRED all the time........I even pushed myself to do more and more, and eventually had to take a month off, which helped at the time. Take time off, and rest when you need to, or you are going to get…
  • Thanks everyone! :smile: Your advice is kinda along my line of thinking, know...hearing other people, or reading all the dieting "stuff" online... Debbie:drinker:
  • I'm still new too, and just found on another post that we need to be eating the exercise calories to lose weight..! Who knew??!! Anyway, now that I read that, gonna start eating the extra cals today!
  • I'm in too :) Scale be gone for the month!! Hubby likes it better when I don't get hooked on numbers, but concentrate on the way my clothes are fitting now...! Will do like you guys, and post a number tomorrow, and then again in March! :flowerforyou: