

  • You don't have to or need to "life heavy". Especially at our size and as a woman it's more effective and less of a pain to lift lighter weights with higher reps. For example: Use 5-10 lbs dumbbells, Perform 10-15 curl repetitions. Easy-peasy and the benefits are significant: helps with muscle tone, muscle strength, muscle…
  • Same here. And jeez-louis woman you're a machine! I'd love to be that active as well. I've forgone my immediate concerns with the scale recently also. 110lb and 115lbs sounds nice to say out loud, but with my frame it just wouldn't be healthy or even necessary. I asked my Dad today if I could afford to lose 10lbs and…
  • Hey! Me too! I'm 27 yr, 5' 4", 123.5lbs and definitely needs more similar friends for motivation. May I add you as a friend? Anyone else with similar stats and looking to be more fit feel free to add me as a friend and let's support each others fitness goals!!! :) ... finally, I've found "my people", "my clan", "my…
  • Hey Marry, Sometimes our bodies react slowly to change. That's normal too. It may take some folks 1 week to notice a change while it takes someone else longer (3 - 5 weeks) to notice a change. Maybe that's what's going on with you? Also I've noticed for myself that while I am under in my calorie goals I am over in Carbs,…
  • Hi! I'm 5'4 125lb too. Can we be MFP friends? I'd like to have the support of someone in my shoes... :)
  • Hi! I'm 5'4 125lb too. Can we be MFP friends? I'd like to have the support of someone in my shoes... :)
  • I change up the workouts on the elliptical by choosing different pre-installed programs. I usually choose programs with varying incline and/or resistance levels. I also make sure to sustain a high heart-rate (150-180 bpm) for 30+ minutes to be sure I get a quality "burn" and avoid plateauing. Hope this helps!
  • Hey Danielle (and GoodNameGone)! My name is Nuri. I'm looking for friends too to help stay motivated and reach my fitness goals for the next 12 months! I'd love to add you so we can support each other, have accountability and most importantly cheer each other on!
  • Thanks for this thread. I had the same concern/question about earning exercise calories. It appears that MFP is designed to help you lose weight even without working out when you keep to your Calorie Intake Daily Goals. I guess the exercise just helps increase your calorie deficit for the day. I agree with Buzzcockgirl, I…