

  • I manage to drink at least 6 cups a day, but I usually push for 8. Sometimes I just get so sick of water that I have to have something with flavor.
  • I do weigh and measure my food, and when in doubt I always round up my calories. For instance, my breakfast this morning was 280 calories, but I listed it as 300. I figure over estimating is better than underestimating. As for my bad days, those usually mean I go 100-200 calories over my maximum. I'm not doubling up or…
  • I'm all for support. I need someone to kick my butt in gear!
  • Not sure how long I'll be able to do this, but I'll give it a try!
  • Hi Kim! While I can't say I'm sweating for a planned wedding, I am losing with that goal in mind. My boyfriend and I talk about getting married in the future and I figure why wait until I have a date set to start the shrinking process? I should have a year or so to get myself down to a healthy size before the actual…