I think the scale is broken

I've been counting calories for roughly 2 months now. The first month, I couldn't exercise a whole lot since I live in PA and it snowed until the beginning of April. I would manage some short work out videos a few times a week and still I dropped 7 lbs. I was happy with that, but made my goal for the second month to lose 8 lbs. Since then I have stayed in the 1500-1700 calorie range (though I will admit I had a bad day or two) and have been walking 3-4 times a week averaging 3-3.5 miles each time. And yet, my scale has not moved in the last 3 weeks. I feel like I'm stuck on this plateau and can't get moving again.

Any suggestions from my weight loss buddies out there?


  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    3 weeks isn't a plateau. On your "bad days" you may have had enough to stall loss...

    ..but in all honesty, you may just need to be patient.

    If you still haven't lost in another 3 weeks from now, then you're not at a calorie deficit.

    Could be that you're just not as accurate in your logging as you feel.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    If you're not weighing your food, then you're underestimating your calories.

    Read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    3 weeks isn't a plateau. On your "bad days" you may have had enough to stall loss...

    ..but in all honesty, you may just need to be patient.

    If you still haven't lost in another 3 weeks from now, then you're not at a calorie deficit.

    Could be that you're just not as accurate in your logging as you feel.

    This and then read the "sexy pants" link from egrrrl.
  • lori1186
    lori1186 Posts: 6
    I do weigh and measure my food, and when in doubt I always round up my calories. For instance, my breakfast this morning was 280 calories, but I listed it as 300. I figure over estimating is better than underestimating.

    As for my bad days, those usually mean I go 100-200 calories over my maximum. I'm not doubling up or anything, but I know I went over the limit.

    I will start doing the body measurements since I suspect that all the walking is increasing my leg muscles. It's just very frustrating.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I will start doing the body measurements since I suspect that all the walking is increasing my leg muscles. It's just very frustrating.

    it's not.

    ETA: if you were open to it, opening your diary would really help us to help you.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Are you drinking plenty of water?
  • lori1186
    lori1186 Posts: 6
    I manage to drink at least 6 cups a day, but I usually push for 8. Sometimes I just get so sick of water that I have to have something with flavor.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Not being able to workout because of snow outside is a terrible excuse.

    I agree with all others above, though. If you opened your diary, you could get more detailed help, too.

    Eta: Making a goal of losing MORE weight the second month than the first is a setup for failure. Your first month was mostly water weight loss, and your weight loss will slow down as you get smaller. Three weeks is nothing to sneeze at. Make sure you're logging accurately and trudge along.
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    Ok. Plateaus ARE really frustrating. You're right. I'm sorry!! I found that once I lost the bulk of my weight things slowed down and got a lot harder. What usually happened to me is I would stay steady for a long time (months) and then all the sudden, drop three pounds. I found that what made this happen was changing my routine. My body likes to change it up. So try zig-zagging your calories or a different workout to see if you can push your body. :)

    I know everyone on this site thinks that it's a simple matter of calories in/calories out (which is true) but the human body is complicated and it takes weeks for the work you put in to show on the scale. So be patient!! :)
  • jcraig10
    jcraig10 Posts: 477 Member
    Instead of walking for each workout, throw in something different to mix it up - do some cardio/lift weights, do some aerobics with weights. Heck, even if you don't have weights, use water bottles. Jumping jacks, push ups, PLANKS!

    You can do it.
    try these videos: www.hasfit.com - the guy on here is very motivational and pushes you to keep going...without yelling in your face :)
  • lydiaannepage
    lydiaannepage Posts: 172 Member
    Yeah anyone who wants to help you is going to need to see your food diary - because based on the info you provided you should be losing 6-8 lbs a month pretty easily.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Absence of any medical issues, it's the calories. It doesn't seem as though you are at an appropiate calorie deficiency. It's hard for people to give advice unless they have more details (age, weight, height, exercise level, calories consumed).

    Use this link to calculate your TDEE and see if you are at the calorie deficiency you need in order to lose weight.


    The above link adds the exercise calories beforehand and MFP adds them after you enter your exercise.

    If you are not tracking everything then start. You need to have reliable data to compare against and guessing just doesn't work for many people. Try it for the next three weeks and see if it works for you.
  • jimwon953
    jimwon953 Posts: 20 Member
    This is basically how my weight loss goes all the time. Yesterday morning I weighed 11st 7lb and had done for 6 days prior, then this morning, I weighed 11st 5lb. This is quite a short time frame between weight changes for me, sometimes it takes 2 or 3 weeks before the scales shift.

    Did I lose 2 lb's overnight? No - my bathroom scales are just not that great and to be honest, I don't think any bathroom scale you buy is any good as I have weighed myself on lots of them over the years and gotten so many differing results it's just ridiculous.