

  • Hi everybody! I humbly come back to MFP - I've been a bad girl......lazy, unmotivated, weight up and down. Need to buckle down and get back on track. I know this works for me, helps me keep focused and working towards my BIG goal.......a long term goal. I know if I can lose 2-4 or 5lbs a week, that's good for me.
  • hi! i haven't logged my food for a couple weeks. the doctoring for my knee is just ongoing with no resolve and that together with the 'normal' stresses of things my grown children are going thru, as well as other family and last but not and the stressers that it brings...........omg! talk about anxiety?!…
  • note: use this tool.....logging in all you eat....every day....also factor in exercise if you do that and also record water intake. every little bit, sample, few bites. just might become curious to see how you did each day. oh! and the food app also gives you a daily goal of fat, sodium, etc. and adds them up as you enter…
  • ps - have been doctoring for a torn meniscus in my knee so no treadmill for a while. so, dropped my daily calories down from aprprox 1500 to 1250 or so. you can do it! come here often. lots of good people here to encourage you.
  • hi! i don't think you should eat as little as that. i heard that if you eat hardly anything your body is going to fight it and doesn't want to let the food in your body sorta goes into survival mode. i started at 358lbs and after 2-3mos i was down to 299! that's a lot for me. course they always say the first loss…
  • Hello, from Minnesota! I changed my eating habits dramatically and started to use the treadmill in April/May. I started at 358 lbs. I have now lost 59 lbs. My goal is to get down to 155 lbs. Almost 15 yrs ago, I lost a lot of weight and I remember feeling so good. Never was as big as I got to this year though. I know I'm…