Why am I not losing weight



  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,321 Member
    I'm going to just start posting these links every time "starvation mode" is mentioned.


    You are NOT in starvation mode. You're burning far few calories then you think with exercise and most likely consuming more calories then you think you are.

    If you want to be sucessful, you first have to educate yourself and then get real about your food intake and energy output.

    I think you should re-read what she wrote.

    She did read the post.....over and over and over again, same post,new OP.
  • hi! i don't think you should eat as little as that. i heard that if you eat hardly anything your body is going to fight it and doesn't want to let the food in your body go....it sorta goes into survival mode. i started at 358lbs and after 2-3mos i was down to 299! that's a lot for me. course they always say the first loss is mainly water...idk. once in a while i'd have a -4 or -7lb loss in a week, but average is about 3lbs. i weigh myself once a week w/a friend at work. she's very encouraging. here's some things that i made myself start eating.....and although i can stick to it...if i want something 'naughty', i have it but it's all about the portion! and of course not every day. this myfitnesspal.com has been a real learning tool.......makes you think b4 you eat......like a burger in our cafe at work, i don't have the bun (waste of calories to me) and top it with tomato, lettuce, pickles, maybe cheese and ranch lite on the side if i want a dressing.
    these foods help me not over do it: cottage cheese, tomatoes, refried beans/jalapenos/corn tortillas (flour are twice the calories), fruit, cup of soup - i eat all kinds, frozen meals like smart ones. and drink lots of ice water. gotta be cold for me. use a straw and u can drink it faster. mmm also deli tky brst, sliced cheese, those packets of flavor u put in water - lots of those, and so on. hope this helps!
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    I think you already know what you are doing wrong.
  • ps - have been doctoring for a torn meniscus in my knee so no treadmill for a while. so, dropped my daily calories down from aprprox 1500 to 1250 or so. you can do it! come here often. lots of good people here to encourage you.
  • note: use this tool.....logging in all you eat....every day....also factor in exercise if you do that and also record water intake. every little bit, sample, few bites. just might become curious to see how you did each day. oh! and the food app also gives you a daily goal of fat, sodium, etc. and adds them up as you enter food........lots of brands, varieties to choose from.
  • bound4beauty
    bound4beauty Posts: 274 Member
    I did read her post She did not gain 2 pounds eating 800 calories a day. Her weight loss may have slowed because her body has adapted to being on a VLC diet but it's not possible to gain weight while in a calorie deficit. Did you read the links I posted? I didn't think so.

    She is most likely under-counting her calories or she is retaining water from eating popcorn and pickles. Get real people.
  • JSE81
    JSE81 Posts: 114 Member
    The MFP app is telling me I should be eating 2800-3000 calories per day. I think that's rubbish. I gain weight at that calorie intake, even when I gym and account for my macro's.
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    MyfitnesPal has advised me to consume a minimum of 1300 a day, due to me thinking I wasn't excersizing. Well, I do, but I don't think of it as excersize. It was when I googled, that I found a cal counter for almost every activity immaginable, and as a result MyFitnessPal, awarded me with 300 cal today for performing a bit of arm slinging. Tomorrow, I'll be doing some normal walking at 250 cal per hour, stair climbing, and socialising. Which, should reward me with an extra 500-700 cal by the end of the day. A nice 1900 - 2000 cal in total.
  • GVUJordan
    GVUJordan Posts: 1 Member
    You are eating WAY too little! You need to up your calories to what MFP says is an appropriate goal to shoot for (make sure it's at least 1200). Even though you may not feel hungry, you need to eat more. If you don't, your body goes into "starvation mode", which is an actual thing and it holds onto literally every ounce of food you put in your body. This actually prevents you from losing weight - your body is protecting itself. Try eating more and you'll probably have success!

    I help people lose weight for a living (fitness trainer, wellness coach, etc) and I have a Bachelor's Degree to prove my knowledge.
  • I had the same problem until I realized I wasn't eating enough. You have to eat the right things and amounts to keep you metabolism burning all day. Skipping meals or snacks will put you body in starvation mode so it retains calories .
    The next thing I did was work with a personal trainer to understand heart rate zones. That was a big help. Now I know how to stay in the correct zone. I have lost 30lbs so far.
  • LuvDarkChocolate
    LuvDarkChocolate Posts: 145 Member
    I'm going to just start posting these links every time "starvation mode" is mentioned.


    You are NOT in starvation mode. You're burning far fewer calories than you think with exercise and most likely consuming more calories then you think you are.

    If you want to be sucessful, you first have to educate yourself and then get real about your food intake and energy output.

    Thank you I read this last week. Op please read this it makes sense
  • Your metabolism has slowed way down. A few more healthy fats (coconut oil, seeds and nuts - also avocados), whole grains (like quinoa) and green veggies are great. You need more calories, and popcorn is NOT nutritious. Your body is probably starving for nutrients, and so it's saving everything - and the weight loss stops. Low cal foods is not a recipe for good health.
  • How many steps a day are you taking? Stop worrying about distance how many times do you put one foot in front of the other. recommended steps per day is 10,000 steps. before you you say wow to much you work up to it. you are probably at about 4,000-6,000 steps right now depending on your stride. Calories are important try to stay at least 1,300 cals. Then Nutrition is important. Not only what you eat, but also what you are putting into your body. I take shakeology, people say it cost to much, or they do not like the taste. I tell you this though I have to be on top of it, and it is worth it. Measuring out the doses your meal for that serving is only about $4. I have lost 46 lbs. What else are you doing besides walking? I would suggest T25 or Taichung to start. You can contact me for more information. I would also suggest get with your medical doctor after with your food journal, and ask the Dr. about other suggestions.
  • mantium999
    mantium999 Posts: 1,490 Member
    I did read her post She did not gain 2 pounds eating 800 calories a day. Her weight loss may have slowed because her body has adapted to being on a VLC diet but it's not possible to gain weight while in a calorie deficit. Did you read the links I posted? I didn't think so.

    She is most likely under-counting her calories or she is retaining water from eating popcorn and pickles. Get real people.

    Eh. 2 lbs can be accounted for by not having used the restroom yet. Even if she is underestimating by 50%, she still wouldnt be eating enough (actually, probably still in a net deficit) to add 2 pounds of actual mass in one week. My vote is troll post.
  • Almost forgot that You can pay about $75 dollars at a weight loss specialist to get a metabolism test done. If I remember this is one of the more accurate ways to test for getting an accurate reading of your metabolism.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I did read her post She did not gain 2 pounds eating 800 calories a day. Her weight loss may have slowed because her body has adapted to being on a VLC diet but it's not possible to gain weight while in a calorie deficit. Did you read the links I posted? I didn't think so.

    She is most likely under-counting her calories or she is retaining water from eating popcorn and pickles. Get real people.
    Or, if she still has a period, she's about to.
    Meanwhile, she needs to eat more.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    The more you exercise, the more you must eat to fuel your body.

    Are you logging calories and exercise correctly?
  • melting_glass
    melting_glass Posts: 105 Member
    My mother is a personal trainer and she's told me before that if you're not hungry, it's a bad sign and it means your metabolism is crawling. You need to eat more so your metabolism works more. Not only should you eat more, but you should eat every few hours. I think the time between is 3 hours. I did this when I was younger and it worked perfectly. I dropped 30 lbs doing that combined with an hour on the elliptical every day.

    Don't let my 0 lbs lost slider put you off to my comment. I've just started so I haven't lost yet.
  • joshdann
    joshdann Posts: 618 Member
    I'm going to just start posting these links every time "starvation mode" is mentioned.


    You are NOT in starvation mode. You're burning far fewer calories than you think with exercise and most likely consuming more calories then you think you are.

    If you want to be sucessful, you first have to educate yourself and then get real about your food intake and energy output.
    This woman speaks the truth. Eating more will absolutely, positively, in no way possible make you lose more weight. You *can* eat more than that, and exercise accordingly... but eating more by itself is not the answer. Your metabolism cannot "crawl". It can slow down by 10-15%, over time (lots of time), but a few weeks is not nearly enough time to have slowed it down so much that you're maintaining the same level of body fat at 800-1000 calories. If you're alive and breathing, you're burning calories. If you're exercising, you're burning more. There are tons of threads just like this one with tons of links to tons of actual scientific studies.

    It's a relatively simple math equation - calories in versus calories out. Be brutally honest with yourself about what you're eating. Fudging the numbers gets you nowhere. If you want to make an immediate change, add more exercise; different kinds of exercise. If that doesn't get the scale moving in the right direction, then you simply must be counting your calories incorrectly.

    FWIW, pickles and popcorn are not the best options for snacks. Like another poster said, you need more protein in your life.
  • I lost 55 lbs on a popular diet program in about six months. I have not only stalled in my weight loss, I have gained. I have been working out 5 to 6 days a week and expend from 600 to 700 calories each time. I am confident in my calorie burn as I wear a heart rate monitor which counts calories and heart rate. On my diet I had been consuming around 1100 calories per day and lost 1.8 lbs each week. Now, not only am I not losing, I am gaining on 1200 calories per day. I drink lots of water.

    I have been reading about consuming the amount of calories you would need to maintain your goal weight, which would make my daily calorie intake to be around 1900 to 2000 calories. Just seem crazy to eat that much and expect to lose weight! However, it also doesn't make sense that I am not losing anything with my diet and the amount of exercising. I should disclose that I am a 57 year old female!

    I also do resistance work outs in the pool. I have RA and have to do low impact exercise such as the elliptical, recumbent bike and the tread climber.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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