

  • I LOVE the Unjury Protein Shakes! The chocolate Splendor is amazing. I mix them with milk and have one everyday. I am 3.5 months post-op. Also buy my vitamins from there too!
  • I too have hit a stall! I had my surgery on 3/31 and am only down 15 pounds, all but 1 pound was lost in the first 2 weeks. Been stuck for almost 3. Very frustrating for me since I was losing so much before the surgery. But I was excited last night when my neighbor lady stopped over to see me. She hadn't seen me for a…
  • I am a week and a day out, and I still can only eat about 3 oz of anything. But the protein shakes are going down well!!
  • Be prepared to gain some weight after going off the water pill....I gained 14 pounds in the hospital after they took mine away. Who goes home from weight loss surgery that much heavier! LOL!
  • I had my surgery last week Monday (3/31). Home on Wednesday from hospital, went to work for 4.5 hours on Friday, and I am here today! I feel great! No issues. I am not tired at all, actually the opposite! It is ridiculous. This surgery was way easier than my gallbladder!!!! I have a desk job.