

  • Have you tried calorie cycling? Your body get used to something pretty quickly and 1200 will seem like a famine situation to your body. It will hoard fat instead of shedding it. So have 1 or 2 days a week where you go over 1200 on purpose. Maybe do 1400, then back to 1200. It will keep your body guessing and out of…
  • I'd at least get a second opinon on the no exercise thing. If not from another chiropracter than perhaps a physical therapist. It does sound like the office isn't a good fit for you. If your giving them your money, they should do right by you. Including making sure their people aren't giving you trouble. Call around about…
  • Jillian Michael's answered this question once. Basically in order to get rid of your pouch and inner thighs you have to keep melting fat. It's the last place fat likes to come off from. Keep doing exercises as that will build lean muscle mass, and do your cardio and eat right. All that will help burn fat, even if it…