KAZD44 Member


  • Hi Cutting out the rubbish is the hardest part so well done for managing to do that. Are you being 100% honest with yourself and logging absolutely everything that passes your lips? Don't forget to log any milk you have in tea/coffee, any oil that you cook with etc. Try to take in more protein than carbohydrates. I assume…
  • How far have you run when it comes on? If it's early on maybe you need to start off slower until you are warmed up, then increase the pace a little.
  • If you're only running 10k then you don't need anything other than water. Just make sure that the food you are eating is quality proteins and carbohydrates. I only use additional fuel when I run over 10 miles.:smile:
  • OMG you look absolutely amazing, stunning !!! Well done you! You've obviously worked very hard and you deserve the results, you are an inspiration :)