Fuel Your 10K Drink

Yay or Nay? I was thinking of buying some of these and drinking them an hour before my evening runs but don't wanna waste money on something if it wont work. Any reviews?


  • KAZD44
    KAZD44 Posts: 4 Member
    If you're only running 10k then you don't need anything other than water. Just make sure that the food you are eating is quality proteins and carbohydrates. I only use additional fuel when I run over 10 miles.:smile:
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    I second the above post. You don't even need water unless it's hot, if you're well hydrated before you head out you can do 10k without anything. You certainly won't be needing any kind of energy/sugar/electrolyte products for a 10k unless you've been starving yourself for ages.
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    I'm assuming you are talking about this stuff: http://www.fuelyour10khours.com/#home/

    A quick glance at their website shows that what they offer is more like a meal replacement protein shake rather than a 10k fuel booster drink. I, personally, would vomit if I drank a protein shake prior to a 10k run.

    If you feel like you are dragging on your run, try something like a Gu or shot blocks. They are pretty much just sugar, which is supposed to give you a quick boost. I mainly use them throughout longer races/runs to prevent cramping, but I know people who use them as a boost before they run/race.
  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    Kind of agree with the above but with a caveat. Its less about distance and more about time. If a 10k takes you 90mins then an energy source around the 50-60min mark may be beneficial. However, if you're running around the 60-75min mark I wouldn't bother. I only use an energy drink or a gel if I know I'm running for 90mins+ (so about 8miles+ for me currently)