

  • Good Luck- I have done 20 in a month and a half so it is reachable!
  • Yeah I know that's not true and that I should eat the calories I burn but that would be me eating close to 3000 calories a day.... that is a lot. What should I do? What are good things to eat to get my calories in?
  • I started working out a little less than a month ago. I had huge arms and I hated them so much but I wasn't worried about toning them or working them- I just wanted to lose weight. I started doing water aerobics at my fitness club. in 3 weeks I lost 2 1/2 inches in each arm!! They are so much smaller and they are toned! I…
  • I used to have this same problem... here is what the deal was with me. When I went to bed at night I would stay up watching tv in my bed or watch a movie and then try to go to sleep. Someone told me to stop watching tv in my bedroom and only use my bed for sleeping. so I stopped watch9ng tv in my bedroom. When it is time…
    in advice Comment by calismith May 2011
  • One word of advice I have is to get involved in the gym classes. They can be a fun way to get more excersize in. I started going to those a few weeks ago and I was intimidated and embarrassed cause everyone else was so much more in shape than me but I got over that and have really liked it. Water Aerobics is my favorite. I…
    in Hello! Comment by calismith May 2011