

  • It's the type of sugars that we eat that depends on weight loss. I'm diabetic so I try to stay away from simple sugars, like white sugar, white potatoes, white rice, basically if its white it has simple sugars in it. I eat ALOT of fresh fruit and veggies. Look for things that are high in fiber and protein. Like lagumes.…
  • Thanks for the encouragement. I've had a PT before and ..... well, let's just say i'm a little hardheaded. Right now my biggest problem is I get bored pretty easily and that's when I JUST can't stop eating. Thank goodness this only happens on weekends now. :| I'm trying really hard to eat only fresh healthy things like…
  • I'm gluten intolerant and diabetic. It's really hard at first but it does get better. I try not to ever shop in the middle of the store, that's where all the processed foods are. My favorite sweetner is splenda and you can use it just like sugar. If your grocery store doesn't offer gluten free or sugar free stuff do some…