Gluten-free recipes

brittanyostebo Posts: 3
edited September 23 in Recipes
Hey all! I am new to myfitnesspal, as of yesterday. I was recently diagnosed with Celiac disease and borderline diabetes. Carbs and sugars = my favorite things to eat. My husband and I are drastically changing our diets and lifestyles to prevent future health problems.

Is anyone else gluten intolerant? It's been kind of overwhelming, as to what I can/can't eat. What are good flour or sugar substitutes?

Does anyone have an quick, someone easy gluten free recipes they would like to share?


  • Purplegal
    Purplegal Posts: 137 Member
    Hi there and welcome! I wont be much help on the sugar but I am also a Celiac so I can help you there.

    It is VERY overwhelming at first, but just remember it gets easier! Especially now...I was diagnosed 10 years ago and there was not nearly many options as now.
    Let's see...for flour substitutes, Bobs Red Mill All Purpose Gluten Free Baking Mix is my absolute favorite. I use it for ALL substitutions and it works awesome. You really can take almost any recipe and use this flour as a sub, add some xantham or guar gum (like 1 tsp per cup of flour) and you are good. Here's a link, I get it at Sprouts and most grocery chains carry it.

    For pasta, my favorite is the Ancient Harvest Quinoa pasta...its a mix of corn and quinoa, it DELICIOUS. My gluten eating husband and kid love it more than their pasta. :) Now from a low calorie/diet perspective, I've been not eating it much, but using spaghetti squash instead, which is really yummy and GF.

    For sandwich bread, the bread that is the absolute BEST is Udis brand. After about 9 years of never having sandwiches because all the GF bread was so dense and heavy, this bread is awesome!!

    I hope this helps some, let me know if you have any questions! There is a gluten free group on here in motivation board.
  • Try this:

    Gingerbread Cookies

    3 cups oat flour
    1 cup brown rice flour
    ½ cup almond flour
    ½ cup tapioca starch
    2 teaspoons baking soda
    1 tablespoon ground ginger
    1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
    3/4 teaspoon ground cloves
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    1/3 cup Earth Balance soy-free spread
    1-1/2 cups molasses
    1/2 cup applesauce
    2 tablespoons vinegar

    Preheat oven to 375 degrees. In a large mixing bowl, whisk whole-wheat pastry flour, baking soda, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, and salt until well blended.

    In a separate bowl, cream margarine. Add molasses, applesauce, and vinegar and continue whisking until well mixed.

    Slowly stir the flour mixture into the wet mixture. Chill dough in refrigerator for 15 to 20 minutes until firm.

    On parchment paper, or a lightly-floured surface, roll dough into 1/8-inch thick round. Using a cookie cutter, cut dough into gingerbread men, and place on a cookie sheet. Bake for 6 to 8 minutes until light brown. Remove from oven, and let cool completely before decorating.
  • Tkhk0514
    Tkhk0514 Posts: 100 Member
    my sons girlfriend has gluten allergies so I am learning some new things myself. I know that having gluten allergies is not quite as severe as having Celiac disease.

    She can eat Aunt MIlle Brand light potato bread. Its 35 calories per slice and is actually very good and now all that I buy. I have also made chicken for her that is breaded in crushed up rice krispies.

    The protein pancakes found on this site are also very good at gluten free. All it is is three ingredients blended togther. Its equal parts of 1% low fat cottage cheese, eggs whites and oatmeal.

    I do notice the grocery stores starting to carry a lot more gluten free stuff. And, I have heard that some companies are changing their products so that they can market it as gluten free ie..cereals.

    Also there is a fried rice chicken helper (hamburger helper) that is gluten free and also very good.
  • Thanks so much for the tips ladies! I greatly appreciate it. Look forward to chatting with you all on here in future health topics :) Have a wonderful evening!
  • I'm gluten intolerant and diabetic. It's really hard at first but it does get better. I try not to ever shop in the middle of the store, that's where all the processed foods are. My favorite sweetner is splenda and you can use it just like sugar. If your grocery store doesn't offer gluten free or sugar free stuff do some research online about products then go to the store manager and ask him if he would be willing to stock them. I'm positive there are others in your town with gluten intolerance. With both of the conditions just remember that fresh is always the best and safest way to go. Good luck!!
  • heatsy
    heatsy Posts: 43 Member
    I don't know if you're a slowcooker fan at all, but if you are, check out:

    all of her recipes are gluten free. good luck!
  • Purplegal
    Purplegal Posts: 137 Member
    WOW! Thank you Heather, that blog is AWESOME!
  • sugarbeans
    sugarbeans Posts: 676 Member
    I don't know if you have a bulk barn around there, but they carry gluten free flours and other products there as well. I find them cheaper than a specialty store/bakery and some of them have recipe cards with them or at least the one I goto does.
    Some restaurants also have gluten free menus just have to ask (Boston Pizza, Joey's, Olive Garden, we have a pizza place that does gluten and dairy free pizza).
    Here are some links that I find useful as well hope they help you out too:smile:
  • Heather,

    That blog is great! I love slow cooking something, especially on Sundays. No cooking! I love just coming home and eating after church. I'm a northern girl, so I love slow cooked, warm foods :) Thanks!
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