jennifer4567890 Member


  • Breastfeeding my 8 week old and just rejoined MFP to track my eating. Finding it hard to stay full every day, especially in the afternoons. Also trying to fit in exercise again after being a bit sedentary through this pregnancy. Would love to follow some fellow bf-ing moms out there!
  • We still have about six feet of snowbank on the front and back yards of our property, and the last frost date here is May 21 :( I did start seeds though about a month ago and have the following growing in our front bedroom/office: mini broccoli, cherry tomatoes, multiple colours of sweet peppers, and green onion. In five…
  • Oh, also wanted to add this which I pinned on Pinterest. I found it useful for future planned batches of hummus I will make! (sorry if this doesn't work properly! My first time trying to include an image in a forum [newbie])
  • Hi there, fairly new poster here but just wanted to throw in my two cents. I have had trouble trying to make hummus in the past as well, usually the chickpeas (I always use canned- so much easier) don't blend and get all caught up in the blades. Anyway, just yesterday I decided to give it another go using more instinct…
  • First of all, congrats on taking the right steps at such a busy time of life with single parenting three kids! That's an inspiration right there. Congrats on your weight loss, too. That's awesome that you lost 16lbs just from changing food choices. I am new here but happy to be a sounding board on anything and will be on…
  • Wow! That's all I can say. You are amazing! What an awesome story. Your pictures show it all! You look gorgeous! Congratulations.
  • Love this thread! My kids are almost five (son) and just turned 3 (daughter). I am new here at the forums, so just discovering all the ways we can motivate each other through the online community. I am going to be logging my food and exercise every single day, and trying to come on here every 1-2 days to write comments and…
  • We sound similar! I just started posting, am about to turn 33, also have two kids and my goals are to tone up and get fitter after two births. Just sent you a friend request! -Jen