

  • try training more than a 5K everyday until 5K is just a benchmark in your workouts. I used to run 5Ks for my workouts and I couldn't get faster, so I started increasing mileage until running a 5K was about 2/3rds of my workouts. Next time I run a 5K, I have confidence I can finish and I am comfortable being uncomfortable
  • the obvious is tits and *kitten*, but for me a sexy nose does it (and i have no idea what makes a sexy nose until I see it ;) ) another turn-on is an athletic girl wearing bball shorts....
  • remember how good it felt when you found out that you lost your first 10 pounds, and even better when you worked harder to work out the next 10? felt awesome didn't it? :D this time, you know that you can lose that weight all over again because you have done it before! just got to get your confidence back up by getting…