

  • Hi to all of you! I have my thyroid levels checked every year because my mom died from her thyroid. She was only 56 years old and I wasn't ready to lose her (as if anyone ever is). From her death, the one thing I've learned is that doctors are a dime a dozen, so to say. The reason my mom stopped taking her synthroid was…
  • Good luck, nip it in the bud while you are young! Develop healthy habits now, in exercise and eating. I agree with cloben: if you slip a little one day, don't throw in the towel! Most diets suggest you take a day off each week (not to totally binge, but just to take a break from weighing, measuring, and counting!). Good…
  • I'm in the same boat, but ten years older than you! Lose it while you're young, it'll be easier to keep off. I try to go to the gym in the evening once I get the kids ready for bed, then my husband just has to put them in bed, & I can go, knowing teeth are brushed , school bags are ready, and clothes are set out for the…
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