sabrehunter Member


  • get a fit ball/swiss ball and start developing your core - I have noticed a huge difference from just doing that I too have a 'pouch' from babies and fear that it will never go away - but don't wait until you have lost the weight to tone - imagine how many abdominal exercise you can fit in in a year? you will have more…
  • I had Chinese tonight and just used it as a cheat day for the month - we all shared meals so just had little bits of everything, which in the end would have been more than a normal meal for me calorie wise, but the portions were relatively small, instead of a big plate full like I would have had previously i would say try…
  • for sustainable weight loss you need to focus less on rapid weight loss and more on sustainable life changes - dont beat yourself up, some weeks you will lose more than others :)
  • oh and dont think about good/bad foods or that you have to restrict yourself, look at fat content and sugar content so say if I want something sweet and chocolate i will have a choc dairy dessert instead of a chocolate bar as there is way less fat but its still creamy and chocolatey that way I have satisified the craving…
  • write down everything and stick within your calorie limit, focus on unprocessed foods, eat breakfast try low fat dairy, cheese and yoghurt, oil spray not oil and cut out butter and eat smaller meals with snacks in between (as long as its under your calorie limit) honestly I used to be the same exercise heaps and then I…