Can anybody help me?

I have been trying to keep healthy since new years day and so far ive managed to lose 17 pounds. my aim was to lose between 3-5 pounds a week, and usually i can lose up to 7 pounds in a single week. so far i am really worried because my weeks have not been going to plan and i dont know what to do... its like i have hit a block. :indifferent:

week 1: -5 pounds
week 2: -5 pounds
week 3: -4 pounds
week 4: -3 pounds
week 5: -0...

Week 5 was my hardest week, i did more exercise, i ate smaller portions of meals, i did not snack...

I am really going mad because i am simply maintaining my weight, nothing will come off me!!

Can anyone help?! are there any experts out there that might know what it is??

i would appreciate any help



  • Toothie100
    don't be too disheartened we have weeks like that, remember that muscle weighs more than fat so if your exercising more you might be making muscle. Keep up the good work but remember its a slow process and its not healthy to loss too much too soon.

    Good luck
  • sabrehunter
    sabrehunter Posts: 6 Member
    for sustainable weight loss you need to focus less on rapid weight loss and more on sustainable life changes - dont beat yourself up, some weeks you will lose more than others :)
  • eeeeergh
    eeeeergh Posts: 24 Member
    Thankyou for the reply(s)!
    Ive been reading all over the internet an theres some stupid "help" websites... they make it sounds so easy, as if you can just lose a straight 5 pounds every week, i thought it was just my body being wierd.

    Thankyou again.

  • Galathea
    Galathea Posts: 420 Member
    7 lbs per week is far too much. You can't keep that up. Your weight loss will slow down. In the first weeks you probably lost lots of water. Now this has stopped. So of course this is a reason why you lose less from now on.
    You have to remember that weight losing is a slow process, not a rush. You will have weeks, when you will lose 2-4 lbs, in other weeks nothing, and in some weeks you will even gain a pound.
    Don't get discouraged. You needed time to put the weight on, you will need time to lose it again. Many look for a fast solution, but you won't find it here. Slow and steady ... that's the way to a HEALTHY you. Weight losing is just a part of it, not all.
    Don't be too hard on yourself. If a week of not losing can discouraged you, what will happen, when you hit a serious plateau once and won't lose anything for a month or even longer? You know what you do is right, so keep doing it. It's just a period. Your body needs time to adjust. That's what it's doing at the moment.
    For me it's the same ... I lose for a while, then it stops til my body gets used to it, then I start losing again. Use this time to get to know your body and how it reacts to your doing. See it as a chance, not as a burden.
    I wish you luck.
  • fatlass70
    fatlass70 Posts: 136 Member
    Lots of things I have read have suggested that 2lbs per week is the safest for your body to cope with, but a lot of this depends on your starting weight. Whilst you can expect more in the first couple of weeks due to reducing water retention. Your body may be trying to regulate itself after losing a reasonable amount over the last month and may be holding onto everything it has (I may think you are going into starvation mode especially if you ate smaller portions and no snacks). Be careful you are not reducing your metabolic rate which will slow your weight loss down.

    Why don't you go back to what you were doing in week 4 - you had a good loss that week.

    Go easy on yourself.
  • eeeeergh
    eeeeergh Posts: 24 Member

    i know i am trying to push myself but right now it feels like my weight is never going to budge.
    Especially when i am so used to my own body losing weight quite quickly- even without exercise, and now its like im trying twice as hard with worse results! HA!

    My mum has a thyroid problem so i have thought it might be that, but i dont want it to be that!
    you have all reassured me that it is normal, so thankyou :flowerforyou:

  • eeeeergh
    eeeeergh Posts: 24 Member