Nimbus5000 Member


  • Please don't become disheartened - there are still loads of tools to add to your arsenal! Without wanting to repeat what others have said, be sure that you are actually eating what you think you are - it doesn't take much to eat an extra 400-500 calories without realizing. This means religiously weighing all of your food…
  • Add me, would be great to support and motivate each other!
  • I sometimes struggle with white short grain rice cooking as it goes claggy and dense if slightly overlooked or with incorrect amount of water. Brown rice is foolproof for cooking (definitely no oil required), healthier and much tastier in my opinion - wins all around.
  • Hi Pittgirl3, Having had a quick look at your diary, I can see that you are not including anything like cooking oils or condiments which you may be using in the preparation and serving of your meals. 1 tablespoon vegetable oil = 124 calories ! Also, it may be that you aren't fully logging your intake or are eating no way…
  • Hi Lizzy I've also been a member here for a while but have had something of a hiatus and I'm going to throw myself back in the fire! What has inspired you to get involved properly? - Emily
  • Hey! Firstly, gorgeous horse in your pic, looks like you were having fun. I tried to get back into riding having been into it really heavily as a teenager. On my third ride, the horse bolted in a field, jumped a 1.2m gate on to a road. I made it to the road, then fell off, smacked my head, hip etc.. Needless to say I've…
  • I had a feeling that many other women would have experienced side effects similar to mine. Let's give three cheers for being a woman! Of course, it's only correlational and we cannot say that hormonal contraceptives cause weight gain/stall weight loss per se. That said, an increase in appetite coupled with emotional…
  • You're right about not blaming it, although I did indeed say that I would simply try harder rather than use it as an excuse. I am very careful with selecting the right foods and quantities. I actually have an implant, Nexplanon, the functioning of which must be different to Mirena so whether it can be so localised when it…
  • Hey there :-) I'd love to be a fitness buddy, especially as I feel we are in similar situations. I'm also a student and completely understand how difficult it is to stay in good shape, especially with time constraints and limited money. It seems I'm only slim and happy in my body (and by that I mean having a BMI of about…
  • Welcome back! Well done for taking this important step :-) My little tip is to keepto that well used saying of loving yourself. Care for your body, including your brain, and it will care for you, as well as the people you love, back. It's important to feel proud and happy about yourself throughout the journey not simply…