Super Stressed College Student - Need Support!


I'm 24 and a senior in college and have recently really been trying to Be healthier. I was ~145 at the beginning of the semester, and I've gained about 25 lbs! Ridiculous, isn't it?! Part of it is bad diet (which I've been working really hard on the last few weeks, if I can stop binge eating right before a test) and sitting on my butt studying all day (which I made a workout plan for, but... starting is the hardest part, right?). Can anyone else sympathize with the plight of the broke college student? I could really use some encouragement!


  • dzlilo
    dzlilo Posts: 55 Member
    I went through the same thing in college! It's a vicious cycle. Even when I finally had a "good day" after the stress, I had no energy left because I did not eat the right things to fuel my body. I indulged in a full flavored latte or frappuccino daily. Twice a week, I had a Sprite and two poptarts in one of my classes b/c eating was the only way I could stay functional in the class.

    Because I stayed in the dorms over the holidays, I finally had time to myself. Working out first thing in the morning will get it out of the way and get you energized. Once I got used to working out over the break, I was a bit more disciplined when switching to afternoons and evenings after class. I'm not sure if you have a campus meal plan like I did. Our campus had tons of fast food and junky processed crap in the convenience store. I started to cut out the fried foods and stuck to grilled chicken, salads, and Subway. (I ate so many sandwiches from there in college that I can't stand the sight/smell of it now.) We also had a smoothie bar that finally opened at the gym senior year, so no more sodas for me at that point.

    Do you have any pals that will work out with you at home or the gym? It helped when I recruited my pals to go to kickboxing class with me. Then for whatever tv show we liked in the evenings, we would watch it at the gym while on treadmill or elliptical. Adding the "socializing" factor and tv eased the transition.

    There's a 25 by 25th group starting right now. You should join! Lots of support here on MFP!
  • Nimbus5000
    Nimbus5000 Posts: 15 Member
    Hey there :-) I'd love to be a fitness buddy, especially as I feel we are in similar situations.

    I'm also a student and completely understand how difficult it is to stay in good shape, especially with time constraints and limited money. It seems I'm only slim and happy in my body (and by that I mean having a BMI of about 22 or 23) when I'm seriously ill and feeling very low in energy and generally unhealthy.

    What does your fitness plan consist of?
    Recently I've taken the plunge and joined a gym costing me £27 a month (equivalent to $43). My rationale is that the outlay on this will prevent me from needing to buy too many new clothes as I will be able to fit comfortably in clothes from last year! Getting into the habit of actually going to gym regularly (and more importantly, wanting to go) is a whole new matter, so, does anyone have any tips?

    A few things that work for me- as for food, buying a kilo each of carrots, onions, spinach and making a vegetable curry by mixing in a good amount of red lentils, chopped tomatoes and garam masala which I then freeze into individual boxes is easy to grab and eat quickly. Buying bags of cheap, frozen fish fillets (pollock and basa usually) are also economical, great sources of protein, low fat and very versatile, in the evening, I like to make light and nutritious fish soup with vegetables, a little stock and wholegrain mustard, honestly its delicious!

    Be great to hear from you!
  • yumesoraki
    yumesoraki Posts: 4,859 Member
    I can definitely understand that predicament. I am more of an energy drinker with snickers around a test or paper. I am currently a poor graduate student, so the only thing that has changed is less tests and more papers and stress. I fell off the wagon when I moved for my graduate studies. Before that happened, planning and self-monitoring were the best things for me.

    Love to be a fitness buddy, as I definitely know what that situation is like. ^_^;
  • ksmi141
    ksmi141 Posts: 72 Member
    Thanks all for the support and tips!

    I live off campus in a nearby town (about 20 miles away), so lately I've been ditching the morning poptart for a fruit smoothie with almond milk and instead of the overly expensive dining options, I've been bringing my own lunch (usually last night's dinner paired with a fruit or vegetable). I do cook most nights of the week, so I've been trying to incorporate healthier dinner items and a higher gradient of veggies and a fruit for dessert. My fiancé has converted half of our living room into his personal gym, so I definitely have the ability to workout at home, just lacking the will and the energy. I made myself a schedule to workout 5 days a week, alternating between basic exercises (jumping jacks, planks, lunges), running and yoga. I wrote a paragraph on excuses for why I haven't started the workout plan, but in the end, I know that's all they are - excuses. I'm trying really hard to work on that and force myself to do Something!
  • hanab1987
    hanab1987 Posts: 34 Member
    Hey! I'm also a poor student hoping to lose another 30lbs! Feel free to add me :)
  • rayannekruse
    rayannekruse Posts: 7 Member
    I am a grad student trying to loose around 15 pounds! I'm going to add you! I won't be starting officially until next week however.
  • caligirleatswell
    caligirleatswell Posts: 11 Member
    I'm a student too! I've just started to maintain but I'd totally love to support each other and my diary is open to friends for college meal/snack ideas.
  • 1989lukemyers
    1989lukemyers Posts: 158 Member
    Haha no how you feel am back at college doing full time plus part time course plus volunteering plus part time working and some times I get to sleep in a week :) haha it's not easy but hey only one life :) I workout in the mornings usually so it's out the way, I don't watch telly( turn off your tv and see how much time you gain) and with food that is my down side too but try to make my meals for the day the night before

    Feel free to add me as new here also looking for support and willing to help others as best as I can
  • rsdotson
    rsdotson Posts: 29 Member
    I hear you! Sometimes when I'm on campus I'll eat out of the vending machines all day. It's no good! A new gym I have a membership to has opened in the town where I go to school and I went there for the first time last night... It's pretty great! I need to get back on this weight loss thing. I had lost about 15 lbs and then I have gained 5 of it back. :( Gotta stick with it!

    I'm gonna add you!
  • MeghanMegabit
    MeghanMegabit Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, I've sent you a friend request and everyone here is welcome to add me to. I work all day and go to grad school part-time. I wore frumpy clothes to my last graduation but this time I'm gonna be at goal and buy something fabulous. I am lucky to have my husband as my gym buddy. We just started spin classes in the summer and the instructors are high-energy and play great music. Maybe instead of a big gym try a small spin or yoga studio, they have a great sense of community. Find your favorite instructors or coachs and they will push you more than you'd push yourself.
  • I know exactly how you feel! I gained about 20 pounds after starting college. My diet was horrible lol. Especially because where I worked there was only fast food and yummy Dominican food. How could I resist? I used to think about when I was in high school working out everyday and.being in the softball team. Then college came and kicked my *kitten* lol. I actually started a pescatarian diet and that lead me to lose 5 pounds without exercise. So you're definitely not alone when it comes to these college pounds. Feel free to add me.
  • super-stressed college student? Hehehh we have that in common. I'm fairly well-built, but need to lose at least a 100lb. And given my crazy schedule, it's difficult to efficiently lose it.. Just came here the day before. So searching for new frnz too who need support and will support me.. I've sent you a frnd req.. :)
  • I am college student too and going through same things :(
  • College student here! I've lost about 40 pounds since high school and I'm absolutely terrified of putting it back on. Between constant accessibility to peanut butter and chips and salsa I'm having difficulty with my sticking to any kind of diet. Any advice?
  • I just finished graduate school....since high school I have gained so much. I need support. We can do this :)