

  • Oh! I also forgot I add 1 scoop Pea Protein as well. I've tried different ones like the RAW brand Cacao protein powder but that made me so bloaty. Dont know why, it's vegan too. But the pure Pea Protein has worked well for me.
  • I use a similar recipe but i use Chocolate Vegan Shakeology instead of the vega sport. I looked into that one it didnt have as many vitamins. But this is by far my most favorite recipe: 1 Scoop Choc Vegan Shakeology 1 ripe banana 1 tbs almond butter 18 oz Original Flax Seed Milk 2 cups ice (A bit of peppermint extract, and…
  • I used to be an ice cream / candy addict. To the point where if i didnt eat it, i'd get terrible headaches... but i CRAVED it. so i totally know what you're going through. What really helped me was by replacing my sweettoothe craving with something healthy but also sweet like a shake. I got into shakeology (which tastes…
  • Starting a 30 day challenge monday! definitely would love to be added! motivation is needed!