
jasonr1009 Posts: 342 Member
Anyone love them as much as I do?

What are your favorite recipes? What type of protein do you use (if any at all).

Right now my favorite is :

1 scoop of Vega Sport vanilla. I like vegan protein because soy and whey both make my stomach churn.
1 banana
a little almond butter
a small amount of almond extract
1.5cups of almond milk.


  • christinacholoves
    I use a similar recipe but i use Chocolate Vegan Shakeology instead of the vega sport. I looked into that one it didnt have as many vitamins.

    But this is by far my most favorite recipe:

    1 Scoop Choc Vegan Shakeology
    1 ripe banana
    1 tbs almond butter
    18 oz Original Flax Seed Milk
    2 cups ice
    (A bit of peppermint extract, and you got yourself a peppermint chocolate smoothie, soo good!)
  • christinacholoves
    Oh! I also forgot

    I add 1 scoop Pea Protein as well. I've tried different ones like the RAW brand Cacao protein powder but that made me so bloaty. Dont know why, it's vegan too. But the pure Pea Protein has worked well for me.
  • jasonr1009
    jasonr1009 Posts: 342 Member
    I use a similar recipe but i use Chocolate Vegan Shakeology instead of the vega sport. I looked into that one it didnt have as many vitamins.

    But this is by far my most favorite recipe:

    1 Scoop Choc Vegan Shakeology
    1 ripe banana
    1 tbs almond butter
    18 oz Original Flax Seed Milk
    2 cups ice
    (A bit of peppermint extract, and you got yourself a peppermint chocolate smoothie, soo good!)

    that sounds awesome!!! Im gonna check it out. I like trying different proteins. I love anything peppermint also
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    I have the same one everyday and I'm really enjoying it. I saw it on a blog when I was looking for ideas on how I can get my hair to grow a bit faster (I want my ponytail back!) and even if it didn't make my hair grow faster I like it so much I just drink it anyways. My recipe is:

    1 Swiss Chard Leaf
    1/2 cup Mixed Berries
    1/2 Banana
    1 cup Almond Milk

    I usually freeze everything in little packages since bananas and berries go bad so fast. Doing that makes it more like ice cream when I blend it. Thick and creamy thanks to the frozen banana! Sometimes I'll add in a teaspoon of fiber or a tablespoon of flax seeds too. It tastes so yummy and you can't even taste the swiss chard.
  • Rooooose
    Rooooose Posts: 149 Member
    Yummyyyyy love smoothies! My super easy favorite atm:
    1 banana
    low-fat yoghurt
    stevia if you want it sweeter... :)