foreverjade Member


  • Ah thank god someone corrected the 'pushing the baby out of the urethra' comment. WTF! :noway: - I can wear skirts/tanktops to work when it's hot out - i don't have to die of heat in long pants and a shirt!!!!! - I don't have to wait in line at bars, or pay cover or for alcohol if I don't want to - I can openly check out…
  • i LOVE this thread!!! Dare I say that all the hot men DID show up to play :love: Gives me a good excuse to do some profile pic creeping! I also really enjoy that the hotties are trying to be modest with all the "don't know about hot, but i'm nice" :wink:
  • Here we go again.... How many times has this thread existed?? I love MFP crushes!!! It's an extra excuseto log-in every day!!! ... I have a couple, and definitely guilty of friending some bc of their profile pic :blushing:
  • Actually, for all the areas that you listed that you want to focus on, Insanity is really good at!!! My abs toned up a lot doing it from all of the planks, and all the squats and plyo work your legs and butt like CRAZY. All Insanity upper body work is pushups, but those are focused on chest and triceps (and abs), which you…
  • I'm also doing random workouts every day! I did Turbo Jam on Monday and could not BELIEVE how slow it was compared to TurboFire! I want to do some level 2 Hip Hop Abs today bc I remember thinking it was hard before! I saw your workout on my home page today and it made me smile; it's a hip hop day! I think after this week…
  • SO AGREE!!! My best friend and I are about the same size but she is pear and I am apple. She looks amazing in bikinis (with a little bum wiggle, but the boys love that!) and I am super self conscious! Usually we walk around with me in bikini bottoms and her in a bikini top! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my legs and butt but…
  • July 1 Like I said from the beginning, I knew I'd look pretty much look exactly the same... but in my head, I like to think my belly looks flatter in the new one. haha. Btw, i'm super jealous of everyone else who has posted so far for having SO MUCH body change! GOOD WORK!!
  • me too... except i just came back from being away for TWO weeks and eating out every single meal. awesome. needless to say, i'm about equally as pumped as i was to post the june 1 pics. hello exact same body, nice to see you AGAIN. :cry:
  • Yea, I will just have to be more careful doing the twisting stuff. i can't quit now!!! I have no idea what to do after Asylum!! I went from TurboFire to Insanity to Asylum and now am scared that nothing else will be intense enough for me... I am thinking of running again, i haven't done much this year at all, but other…
  • Been SEARCHING for an Endure UA bra for weeks now... I tried on the one with the zip front and the one without, much prefer the one without, but I don't think they make it in my size!! I think they only make D cups with the zip front, which is such hard work to zip, i'm afraid to wreck the zipper! haha Anyone tried the…
  • Ah, into my last week of Asylum and sad to see you go Melcowen!!! I have been lacking motivation big time!! five days left if i can make myself do it. on a sidenote, Asylum has totally wrecked my knees. I'm pretty sure it's from wearing shoes on my carpet and probably doing the twisting moves without fully lifting my foot…
  • You said that you are only a few weeks on to MFP.... did you start a new exercise regimen? Anytime you start a new exercise regimen, your body tends to pack on water weight to protect itself. The bloat will disappear once your body gets used to it!
  • AH SO JEALOUS!!!!! Have been following the BB summit and trainers on Twitter. Did you get to workout with all of them?
  • crap i missed it!!! Actually, I forgot it was on! Going to catch the Sunday replay so I can get my Chris Powell fix :love:
  • YAYYY!!! I was using 10s for the whole video, and just upped to 15's for the 1 dumbbell exercises. I am going to up to 15s for the chest and back ones next time - it's just that damn dumbbell rotation that there's no way I'd be able to lift the 15s for! I am away this week, but I brought a resistance band, so tonight is…
  • In my head I think I am doing wayyy better, but I'm not sure if it will show or not! Started Asylum pretty much the same time as my pic, so hopefully I will be able to track exactly the difference that program makes!
  • melcowen - what weight do you use for the Strength workout? I upped all the 1 dumbbell exercises to 15 pounds today and it made my HR go sky high! it was awesome! I burned 400 cals doing 45 mins of a weight lifting routine? craziness! it made me seriously excited
  • GAME DAY is AWESOME!!!! Seriously loved it. kicked my butt, great calorie burn, yet i didn't feel pain afterwards (unlike the other 2 cardio workouts when my legs are on FIRE). i loved the variety - didn't even notice it was a longer workout bc i was having too good a time to check the clock.
  • Just did Second round of Vertical Plyo.... almost couldn't make myself do it today, but 1130 rolled around and i was kicking myself for missing it so i just got up and did it! going to make for a ROUGH morning tomorrow though! anyway, i really love that workout! it feels like such an accomplishment to be able to do the…
  • want to talk irrational fears?? i am afraid of the PHONE. seriously. I can't call people, i can't pick up phone numbers I don't know... and if I have to call them BACK it gives me so much anxiety that i need to lie on the floor in the fetal position. no joke. it seriously hinders my life! I try to make scripts, and i…
  • I started in 2008 with TurboJam... then eventually got Hip Hop Abs, then level 2 of TurboJam AND Hip Hop Abs, moved on to P90X, TurboFire, Insanity, and am currently doing the Asylum! Holy am I ever an addict!
  • Anyone watch it last night? I thought it was awesome!! I also watched the first one - with the girl - and was pretty unimpressed. Yesterday's was great though! It even made me cry.... :blushing: I'm so proud of that guy, he looked like a completely different person afterwards, and I LOVE how he talked about finding his…
  • Holy Vertical Plyo is hard!!! My legs hurt so bad... can't move forward or down stairs! lol I love it! I decided to change up the schedule to make more sense to me and my life -- going to alternate cardio and strength days for this week. Did strength yesterday, will do speed and agility today, 'rest day' (i am going rock…
  • they slip off my head too, but i have found a decent kind to use anyway... I use the Goodie Stayput brand - the skinny ones with rubber wrapped around them -- not the fat flat ones - they're cute but slip like crazy. I do have to readjust once in awhile but I find the closer you wear them to your forehead and the back of…
  • There are 3 types of muscle soreness - next day, delayed onset (DOMS), and injury related. If you are experiencing the first or second type (which I think you probably are), then you should not take a day off as working the muscle will actually make it feel less sore.
  • Just finished Back to Core.... Not my favourite!!! Holy it was painful and such a low calorie burn. I know I can't quit it though because those damn swimming exercises killed me!! Can't wait to get some serious cardio in with Vertical Plyo... don't know if I agree with the way the week 1 schedule was set up... Lauri -…
  • ME TOO ME TOO!!! I did the fit/agility test on Sunday, speed and agility on Monday and strength yesterday. I LOVED STRENGTH!!! My favourite weight workout ever, and i have done all the Beachbody staples! I know I haven't done Vertical Plyo or Game day yet.... so i'm totally jinxing myself by saying this.... but INSANITY…
  • Thanks Lynn! It's a mental state of mind thing... you know when you have a couple bad weeks in a row and then you just feel like you look disgusting no matter what? Hopefully by July 1 I will be out of this mental (and physical) rut!
  • UGH why did I commit to this? Let me just say that this picture taking experience led to some serious self loathing... so much for confidence building!
  • BODY!!!! Apparently I'm too lazy to work hard for my body but not too lazy to work for the rest of my life :tongue: